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Jacob's Show and Tell on Tugger


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We do a bollard pull test we we got them new all tugs do it when comisioned and they use load cells the same as cranes do when testing and run a line out the back to a wharf bollard then hold the powwer on for atleast 20 minutes while they take the load cell reading then transfer it out the bow and do the same so to get pulling power readings. This is so the pilots on the ships know how much power each tug has so they can use it safely on each ship as some ships can't handle that much power as we have they have been known to pull the panamas out of ships where the tow line runs through on the side of the ship. In other words we can lift 70 ton up in the air through a single block which would give you no mechanical avantage.

Thats tops.... what a great story to be told there. Tugger when you say lift 70 ton, how do you mean? If there a gantry hidden somewhere?

Would Moses count as someone a story could be done on too?

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