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top 5 on Lure


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Out of courosity: Whats your top 5 fish in Australia that you have or want to catch on lure?

Mine are:

1.Barramundi, for ther willingness to take an artifical lure, their fighting ability in tight spaces and of course their aerial antics.

2.Milk fish, for their speed, power and difficulty in capture,

3.Marlin, for the size, speed, stigma and power,

4.Triple tail, usually sight casting under floating structure, great jumpiers and power.

5. Jungle Perch, found in beautiful locations and they love surface lures.

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Longtail tuna, still eluding me after many hours.

Threadfin salmon, too impatient when i cant see the buggers and its a long time between hits.

Barramundi in the salt, i hear they go harder.

Mackeral for the speed.

Any big trevally, golden or giant etc, especially on a surface lure.

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In no particular order:

1. Tuna on a Fly - Been watching a few vids lately of guys catching Tuna on Fly - I'm quite intrigued by it and would think it will be quite a thril to land one on Fly

2. Any kind of bill fish!!

3. Big GT on a popper - I just love the ferocisty and sheer power they demonstrate on impact, hopefully on the Jewel trip I will get to experience this !!

4. Mary or Murray Cod - They are freshwater beasts and would be awesome fun !!

5. Bonefish - another hard fighter that would be great to catch on a lure

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Top 5

1. Barra (personaly my fav fish to date caught on lure) nothing beats it so far.

2. Jacks - Have caught a few on lures would like to cath a lot more though. They are right up there with my all time fav species to target on lures, awesome fighting fish and quite hard to catch at times

3. Bass- Only caught a handfull on lures mostly surface lures. Deff a species I would like to target more often.

4. Gt- never caught a true gt. One day I would love to throw big popper and stickbaits at the big buggers.

5. Saratoga- Another species im yet to catch but is right up there on the list.

Cheers matty

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kingies on jigs-it is hard work and the reward is worth it

mackeral from the beacons on chrome slugs-that first hit and run is awsome and when there on its mayhem

snapper on lucanas jigs

bass on blade- its garanteed a no donut

whiting on surface- the surface strikes are addictive i have only caught a few on surface and i would like to do alot more of it

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Longtail on 6lb :D

Big GT on a popper B)

120 cm plus thready on on a mask Vide and on 6lb :whistle:

40cm + Bream on a armor shad

Bill fish of any kind on spinning gear.

might just chuck one more in there for a mud island goal, 60 + cm snapper on 3lb in the shallows on a armor shad :evil:

Im liking the thread carter :D cheers

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In no particular order:

bass - their ability to annihilate a lure off the surface really gets the blood pumping!

GT - only caught small ones but they go so hard, hoping to encounter a big brute on a popper.

Red Bass - i've heard these guys rule the reef and they look so cool,

Barra - only ever caught a little fella when i was about 8 but it was one of my most vivid childhood memories, and from the footage I've seen they are spectacular.

Wahoo - for their size and speed.. and i wanna get a proper look at those teeth!!

Same as ross im heading to Fiji these holidays, hopefully can tick a few off the list then :evil:

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This is my five fish some i've caught some I haven't.

1: Wahoo on a stickbait (hooked one and lost it a few trips ago)

2: Spanish Mac on stickbait also, floating baits or livies work but nothing beats watching them launch 2m in the air with your lure in its gob)

3: Bass on surface or fly, trying enough so it will happen at some stage

4: Kingfish on jigs, caught heaps but you cant get enough of it once you're hooked

5: Big Sweetlip, watched them being caught infront of me but yet to score one myself



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Longtail on 6lb :D

Big GT on a popper B)

120 cm plus thready on on a mask Vide and on 6lb :whistle:

40cm + Bream on a armor shad

Bill fish of any kind on spinning gear.

might just chuck one more in there for a mud island goal, 60 + cm snapper on 3lb in the shallows on a armor shad :evil:

Im liking the thread carter :D cheers

some ambitious goals there James? :P

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1 - Australian Bass, can't beat it when you get hit in tight cover by a big bass and you're powerless to stop it

2 - Bream, there's just something about the little buggers that's addictive

3 - Barra, It's on the hit list and boy will I be excited when I finally get a chance to have a crack at them

4 - Mary/Murray Cod - They are the ultimate for freshwater

5 - GT on popper - I'd love a crack at them

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My top 5 I have caught on lure:

Jacks, Saratoga, Murray Cod, Jew, Tuna (mack and striped)

Top 5 I want:

Big GT's on poppers, Bonefish on fly (any fish on fly for that matter), Big Mackeral, Yellow fin tuna and the opportunity to target red Bass.

And tones more.

Runty get a tuna on 4LB the little bay ones Ted and I got last week were loads of fun on 4LB B)

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My top 5 I have caught on lure:

Jacks, Saratoga, Murray Cod, Jew, Tuna (mack and striped)

Top 5 I want:

Big GT's on poppers, Bonefish on fly (any fish on fly for that matter), Big Mackeral, Yellow fin tuna and the opportunity to target red Bass.

And tones more.

Runty get a tuna on 4LB the little bay ones Ted and I got last week were loads of fun on 4LB B)

Yess im very keen, just not sure where to go in my tinny were they will be! im keen just to keep heading out to moreton more for some schools :silly:

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750mm Wild Saltwater barra on 6lb (Duel AMG Diet 70)

700mm Threadfin salmon (Duel Hardcore Shad) on 6lb

600mm Blue Salmon (Richos 90mm) on 6lb

Whiting on poppers (El Cheapo) on 6lb

Mangrove Jack (1 on plastic and 1 on hard so far) so keen for some real ones!! (on 6lb)

Want to:





Coral Trout

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From a mostly bait fisherman, top 5 are:

Salt water barra over 80cm - done but would love to do again and again

Mangrove Jack over 50cm - not done but lost a couple of lures trying

Metre + Queenfish - done on a trolled spoon and the arials were fantastic

GT over 50cm - not done but get really inspired by OnTheChew and PlasticFantastic reports

Bass - never done any freshwater fishing but love the reports on here of quality bass. Maybe one day I will give it a go.

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For lures I would like to do this

1 meter queen fish on surface

Big gt on surface lure

Jewfish on anything (they elude me)

Jacks on surface - done my pb is 50 I think

Barra - pb is 96 and it was some much fun. Had the biggest grin on my face from it

I also enjoy light line snapper fishing, it is very enjoyable

Out of Australia

Tigerfish are too much fun, their hit and speed are beyond belief. Way faster than a GH for speed

Tarpon in costa rica I would love to catch on a lure as well as dorado,

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My top 5 I have caught on lure:

1)small barracuda on a blade

2)small angel fish on a small hard body




Top 5 I want:





5)any other species that would take a lure? :(:(:(

any help would be great


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Longtail on 6lb :D

Big GT on a popper B)

120 cm plus thready on on a mask Vide and on 6lb :whistle:

40cm + Bream on a armor shad

Bill fish of any kind on spinning gear.

might just chuck one more in there for a mud island goal, 60 + cm snapper on 3lb in the shallows on a armor shad :evil:

Im liking the thread carter :D cheers


pretty specific hahaha

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This is my five fish some i've caught some I haven't.

1: Wahoo on a stickbait (hooked one and lost it a few trips ago)

2: Spanish Mac on stickbait also, floating baits or livies work but nothing beats watching them launch 2m in the air with your lure in its gob)

3: Bass on surface or fly, trying enough so it will happen at some stage

4: Kingfish on jigs, caught heaps but you cant get enough of it once you're hooked

5: Big Sweetlip, watched them being caught infront of me but yet to score one myself



I know its only meant to be a top five but I just wanted to add having a go at and landing an unstoppable from Boat Rock on a lure and with only 30lb spin gear B)



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Top 5 I Want

50kg GT on popper

50kg Yellow fin Tuna on popper

50kg Dog Tooth Tuna on popper

30kg King fish on Stickbait

1 Metre plus Queenfish

Top 5 I Have Got

38kg GT on popper

23kg Yellow Fin Tuna on popper

20kg Dog Tooth Tuna

19kg King fish on jig

12kg Red Bass on Stick bait


Very ambitious but I have a plan......

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This is my five fish some i've caught some I haven't.

1: Wahoo on a stickbait (hooked one and lost it a few trips ago)

2: Spanish Mac on stickbait also, floating baits or livies work but nothing beats watching them launch 2m in the air with your lure in its gob)

3: Bass on surface or fly, trying enough so it will happen at some stage

4: Kingfish on jigs, caught heaps but you cant get enough of it once you're hooked

5: Big Sweetlip, watched them being caught infront of me but yet to score one myself



I know its only meant to be a top five but I just wanted to add having a go at and landing an unstoppable from Boat Rock on a lure and with only 30lb spin gear B)



Mark, surely achieving "stopping an unstoppable on 30lb spin gear" would contradict the statement itself

Deeming the fish that you stopped on 30lb not "an unstoppable" :silly:

Sorry mate couldn't resist !! :)

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Top 5 caught

Tarpon (have hooked up PLENTY but only landed a handful cause they can chuck a lure like no other)

GT (poppers, stickbaits and jigs)

Tuna (last cast of the day as a storm was coming in, ended up in the middle of the storm thanks to 12 kilo tuna and 10lbs mono)

Mahi Mahi (slugs at the WRB)Great fight and heart skipping stuff when they launch and try shake the lure

Coral trout (stickbait less than 2m of water they just pull so hard)

Top 5 wants


Jack (hell I'll take one on bait even)

Jewie (only caught on bait so far)

Wahoo (have dropped 3 on stickbaits)

GT over 25 kilo

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5 of my most memorable in no particular order

1. PNG Black Bass

2. Spot tail Bass

3. Jack over 50cm

4. Barra over a metre

5. Diamond Trevally

5 I wana catch in no particular order

1. Peacock Bass

2. Jungle perch

3. Murray Cod

4. Tiger Fish

5. Sail Fish

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Spanyard on trolled dead wolf herring on a handline.

8kg + snapper on handline using plastic

I learnt to fish using a handline as a young kid.

I can remember my grand parents having a kreel of assorted handlines and rangune cane rods.

I found an old timber hand line up at the olds and re spooled it.

It has been on a few trips now but nothing yet to report.


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Spanyard on trolled dead wolf herring on a handline.

8kg + snapper on handline using plastic

I learnt to fish using a handline as a young kid.

I can remember my grand parents having a kreel of assorted handlines and rangune cane rods.

I found an old timber hand line up at the olds and re spooled it.

It has been on a few trips now but nothing yet to report.


Timmy your a classic, might see you tomorrow night ;)

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  • 1 year later...
In no particular order:

1. Tuna on a Fly - Been watching a few vids lately of guys catching Tuna on Fly - I'm quite intrigued by it and would think it will be quite a thril to land one on Fly

2. Any kind of bill fish!!

3. Big GT on a popper - I just love the ferocisty and sheer power they demonstrate on impact, hopefully on the Jewel trip I will get to experience this !!

4. Mary or Murray Cod - They are freshwater beasts and would be awesome fun !!

5. Bonefish - another hard fighter that would be great to catch on a lure

Found this old thread, would be cool to see how others have gone...?

I got my Marlin December 2012 but haven't got any of the others so still 4 to go ;)

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1. Mangrove Jack

2. Coral Trout

3. GT

4. Marlin

5. Bass

Granted the GT wasn't a big one but. I crossed 3 of 5. Not a bad effort i must say.

Since then i have caught heaaps of bass using surface, spinnerbaits, hardbodies, blades and plastics.

Caught a Marlin with Ted in January. Didnt get a chance to chase the Jack in amongst all the bass fishing. Maybe now the season is coming to a close i can have a crack.

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