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Dammit I forgot to put the memory card in the GOPRO


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Went out for a sneaky fish with Dhess and Shortie this morning. We head out in the dark only to be met by much windier conditions than predicted. The conditions where sloppy the side wind in the chop meant that we where wearing splash and we were saturated by the time we got out to shallow tempest. It was not long before I noticed Shortie having a sneaky vomit down the back of the boat. :sick: :sick: I got the GoPro ready only to have him perk up and stop. Eventually it got to much for him and he went up to the front of the boat. I got the GoPro working this time and started filming only to have it immediately beep at me ( some idiot forgot to put the memory card back in the camera - DOH) :(:blink::angry: Oh well no funny video of Shortie.

Back to fishing. The conditions where not good and Shortie was sick so we decided to call it a day quickly. Dom managed a good sized Kingie going 10kg and 117cm.. It gave him a good fight and hit the hook at the bottom of the boat. Shortie did manage a fish for the day. A nice little red throat emperor. I managed a nice pearlie and another red throat. A successfull trip out.

Shortie I hope your throat feels better soon. I know Ellicat will sympathize. haha :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:





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Good stuff guys, nice kingy Dom. Glad to see the landing net is in the boat Ted :whistle: Shortie have you tried travel calms, they have been working very well for me lately.

Yes Denis apparently they are chewable

Ted tolde they were

Trust me they arent that was the time I starting spewing

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Spewin about the Gopro not having batteries. Never mind the video the sound effects were priceless.

The fish were definitely on the chew, but current versus wind making our drift go haywire and sloppy conditions made fishing challenging. Most of the morning was complete rubbish with 15-20 winds followed by rain.

Coming back the bay was pretty nsty but interestingly was the worst coming into Pumicestone Passage.

Nice to finally meet you Shortie and thanks again for having me out Ted.

Bummer we couldn't hit the deep reefs but we made the right call as according to seabreeze conditions only got worse. Bastard wind has dropped out to 5 knots now though.

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