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A Warning


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After a crappy nights fishing at Mud on our way back to the ramp we got pulled up by the water Police.

We had nothing to fear (undersized fish /too much to drink etc) Untill they asked us if we had Flares V sheet etc Rosscoe said no this is calm water :blink:

NoNoNo any water north of point clevland is semi calm and requires you to carry flares etc unless you are within 900 metres from shore :pinch:

although very nice about it he did give Rosscoe a $150 fine even though the rules book shows the bay in light blue (calm water) we were told that the white areas are calm we quired him on that as we had the book with us and it has light blue no white but he said that the book is only a guide :blink:

so all you yakers and small boats that go to mud peel or any where further than 900 mts from shore carry all the safety gear or get caught


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I was 1 of the lucky one's. Had my fine discarded with \"no further action to be taken\" and a written apology from the Water police.

I was only 1 of about 50 that day that were booked,and we all got the same result. After fronting up at the head quarters.

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Yeh i leave all my safety gear in the boat no matter what. I'd rather haveing safety gear taking up a bit of space then getting fined... IMO even if it did say calm water or wateva i still would have flares and a V sheet. It's alot of water out their. Anyway flares are $60 and a Vsheet is only <$10. It could save your life, I dont know why you wouldnt carry them.

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Gazza and Rossco,

The horse may already have bolted, but this is a handy book for sussing out these things. it's a good companion book for the Beacon to Beacon. You can pick one up at most newsagents or post offices. Bummer about the fine. For what it's worth the terms are smooth waters and partially smooth waters. Partially is where you need to up the safety gear with flares etc. Hope it is of some help.


[img size=321]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/TT_BSGafo-995907565eb2de36074d9310cbfe05e4.jpg


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Fisher_90 wrote:

O also i presume that yakkers dont have to carry flares and that because they are not registered and do not have motors? I might be wrong tho.

Technically your correct for any unregistered vessel, but the lovely \"General Safety Obligation\" means that if the judge thinks something might have helped, then you should of had it!

Post edited by: Feral, at: 2007/08/12 19:27

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Cowfish13 wrote:

But Ellicat, that book is also just a guide. Says so in the title :D

It may only be a guide, but if Gazza or Rossco had looked at page 22 before they went to Mud - it's a pretty obvious guide. To get to any of the three islands in that cluster you have to traverse partially smooth water.

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I would say if its a guide then it may as well be written in stone. People always say itll never happen to me and most probably it wont, but if you look at it from a population point of view and not an individuals point of view you can see why they enforce it with so many people per year getting into trouble out on the water.

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Here's a pic of the guide


this one's not very clear but you can still see there's no white on the Legend


I carry it all the time as it has fish size /bag limits etc :pinch:

and He pointed it out as it was sitting on top of my tackle bag DOH !!!

you would think well these guys were obviosly under the impression we dont need them well I know Rosscoe was and he's lived here all his life so who was I to argue

The stupid part is we have the gear for both boats but given in a 4.2 tinnie room is limited especially if you gotta sleep in it :whistle:

But thems the breaks I think we should argue the point prob wont do any good but what the hell


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yeah i would gaz, its worth a go mate if you truly belive you arent in the wrong then fight it mate.i argued that a police officer fined me with no radar gun reading, speed camera etc....he saw me drive past when he was in a side street and.....estimated my speed....meanwhile this was a good 15 minutes after we drove past....god dammit why didnt i actually fight that when i think about it...i argued with him and hes all like blah blah blah im a stupid fat pig your just a kid im a police officer who are they going to believe....and i took his word for it lol

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I think it all depends on how they feel on the day. If the previous person they checked has given them a mouthfull it would tend to affect how they will teret people for the rest of the day.

I have always found the fisheries people polite and usually want to have a bit of a chat.

Some of the water police can be the same but others are very officious. Especially near the boat passage where their depot is. When they come from there they usually seem to have a younger person ( Possibly a cadet? )with them . I am not sayong that they are not polite but they mostly would crack their face if they smiled.

I was once given a polite verbal warning for not having flares around the Green/ St Helena area.

The biggest problem O have is remembering to check if my flares are in date.


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:pinch: Here's the crunch the guy doing all the talking advised us that we were safe (900 mts) from here on in but not from where we came :woohoo: :pinch: :whistle: it makes no scence if you look at the pic if we had still been fishing close to mud he technically could not book us as it is white DERRRRR


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