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2 Days, 4 Guys and 100kg of GTs


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Planned a long weekend as it was my wedding anniversary on friday, but it just happened to be really good weather as well, just unlucky I suppose. Since I have a very understanding wife I fished two out of the three days of our anniversary long weekend, really needing to stretch the arms a little and get a few casts of the heavy gear under my belt before my Kirrabatti Island trip in a weeks time.

Offshore outings for me of late have been few and far between due to weather commitments or just average weather. The plan for the weekend was to fish saturday arvo after the wind dropped out and then fish early sunday morning as I have to allow for the drive back up the hill afterwards.

All things went to plan even the wind played the game and dropped out earlier than expected, also having a sleepin was awesome. We made our way out to our first spot, to find a heap of little tuna, which is like candy to GT's. First on the board was Lanks with a nice GT of about 20kg on the ever faithful FCL stickbait.



On the same drift it was my turn, but I was stupid enough to have changed over to plastics and only had 20lb leader. The hotdog once again did it's job, if anyone looked at this rod they wouldn't guess what it has caught, got him up in good time considering the restrictions, took a few photos and got him back in the drink as quickly as possible.


While all of this was happening Mark was catching the odd tuna here or there and was getting very tempted to chuck one back down with a hook in it. We tried a couple of other marks while we where waiting for the next tide to change, but the decent swell (up to 6m peaks) was preventing us from fishing some of my usual locations safely.

We decided to head back to the original reef and Lanks was onto one again, this time the fish was playing a bit dirtier and Lanks was already buggered, but with a little bit of assistance by driving the boat Lanks had his second for the day and the first time we have landed three for the boat in the day. We were going to hang around till dark but since we where all sunburnt and buggered we headed in early.

After the tide change it all went very quiet so we decided to go and have a flick at the group, first cast and Brett got harassed by five or 6 good size kingies. Next casts he pulls out a nice little (mini) GT of a few kilos, then Mark put a cast into a group of kingies and managed to pick out the smallest one in the pack :whistle: . Even though the swell had dropped out a bit from the day before it was still pretty messy so we decided to go and give boat rock a few flicks. Once again got a few rat kingies but nothing of any size.

While we where there Brett let me know that he had not got a decent GT off straddie after trying for a couple of years, this was like putting a red flag in front of a bull. Getting someone there pb or a fish they have not caught before is just as good as getting one yourself so the decision was made to go have one more crack.

We had a couple of drifts back at our original spot and brett was one, best thing was the shane was only 50ms away so we had some witnesses, the fight was brutal as always but the job was done and brett had a new straddie pb of 26.5kg.




By this time Mark and I where pretty buggered from two days of fishing and being in the sun so we decided to have an early mark and head home. The trip home was pretty much a glass out offshore and all the way through the bay. It was a great weekend had by all and some good fish caught, now just have to get my stamina up for my Kirrabatti onslaught in a weeks time.



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Awesome reports guys.

Some very nice fish landed especially on the lighter gear.

It was nuts seeing Brett hook up and land that GT. It looked massive when you guys got it up.

Even though we didn't catch one today it was good learning experience. You guys make it look to easy. It was good seeing someone who knows what they doing. At least next trip I know what I'm looking for and when to go target them.

I'm dedicating next few months to chase GT's off straddie and going to persist until I catch one lol.

Cheers for the tips too


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Awesome reports guys.

Some very nice fish landed especially on the lighter gear.

It was nuts seeing Brett hook up and land that GT. It looked massive when you guys got it up.

Even though we didn't catch one today it was good learning experience. You guys make it look to easy. It was good seeing someone who knows what they doing. At least next trip I know what I'm looking for and when to go target them.

I'm dedicating next few months to chase GT's off straddie and going to persist until I catch one lol.

Cheers for the tips too



It is not something I have learnt overnight, has taken a lot of trips to work them out. It is not so much a matter of where it is more when, also tides, current, wind, bait etc all come into play. Let me know if you need any more info or hints.


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Heard there pretty tasty when smoked better get out and put a few in the tub and give it a go

I don't think the big ones would be that great to eat and i don't know anyone who would keep them at that size.

They are more of a sportfish in my opinion :whistle:

cheers tim :)

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wicked stuff, some top bends in those rods. Heard there pretty tasty when smoked better get out and put a few in the tub and give it a go

Would have to agree with you Tim, you are well with in your right to keep one to eat but it would just feel wrong. These fish fight to to the death and I admire their fighting ability too much to ever keep one, but each to their own.


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Would have to agree with you Tim, you are well with in your right to keep one to eat but it would just feel wrong. These fish fight to to the death and I admire their fighting ability too much to ever keep one, but each to their own.


100% agree.

Saw you guys how hard try to swim the fish to get the fish back to life, could take longer than fighting the fish. Rather keep them life to enjoy the fighting another day than just eat this one of top fighting fish just for a dinner.

Great job guys, awesome report too.

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