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Late Chrissy present- Golden surprise!!!!!


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Headed out to a local creek this morning in search of a few bass. The bass were hard to find with few hookups and none being landed. I gave a cast out to the bank and was immediately hit, and as I thought, it had bitten my plastic in half. After that I put another plastic on my beetle spin and moved on to a different spot. I cast at the bank at least 20 times before I felt rat tat rat tat BOOM!!!!!! I thought to myself "Geez this must be a big bass" as it was towing the yak all around. Got it to the side of the yak and there sitting in front of me was my first ever...... yellowbelly!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: After about 50 photos :whistle: I released it back into the water. Here's a few pics.






I have been desperately trying to get one for about 2 years so it's a pretty big achievement :lol: One of the photos will be DEFINITELY going to BnB. BTW it didn't feel like a wet sock coming in :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly: i was shaking with excitement :silly:


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Very well done James.

I reckon that you would have enough material to write a full article for Bush N Beach,

Maybe a story re your exploits over the last few weeks.

Your writing skills have really developed and in my opinion are superior to some of the regular contributors to the magazine.



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well done mate. i only got my 2nd one a month or so ago and the last one i caught i was about your age. they do often fight like a wet sock haha. persistence definitely pays off. at least you had a better yakking session then i did. had a rod snap on me because of a little S*&^ that stole my kayak while camping and through my bass gear onto a rock. didnt realise he had damaged it till today. first cast snap. annoyed. haha but always good reading your reports and good to see how keen you are with looking after the fish you catch. youre gonna go far as an angler mate!

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Well deserved James,

You look like you take along your own proffessional photographer. Great pics and congrats on the Y/Belly.

Cant wait to go fishing with you some time to pick up some pointers.

School still another 4 weeks away for you I guess?

Back to work for me in 3 days :pinch:

Keep them coming.



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