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Disillusioned with Fisheries Minister.


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It would appear that FFSAQ is a little disillusioned with the fisheries minister.

Copy of latest letter once again asking for some straight answers.


Freshwater Fishing and Stocking Association of Queensland Inc.

14th January 2013


Hon John McVeigh MP

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

GPO Box 46

Brisbane Q 4001

Dear Minister,

I refer to your letter of the 9th January 2013.

FFSAQ was dismayed and disillusioned with the manner in which you responded to its correspondence of the 7th November 2012. At no stage did you make any attempt to answer the specific questions raised. Your government espouses to be open and accountable, but you have failed to uphold this principle. You continue to be very vague and evasive when asked to answer specific questions.

An example of this is the question on where and how the Recreational Use Fee (RUF) monies are being allocated. Your response indicates that this was described in your letter of the 23rd October 2012. I put it to you that there were no specific details provided in this response. You are asked again to provide details.

You continue to claim that the Recreational Fishing Enhancement Program (RFEP) was funded directly from government revenue and not from RUF. It is acknowledged that the RFEP may have been funded from government revenue prior to the introduction of the RUF in 1994. However, FFSAQ has in its possession Fisheries Queensland documentation that specifically indicates that fish stocking was funded from RUF at least since the year 2000. It is suggested that you check your records.

In your letter of the 23rd October 2012, you indicate that Fisheries Queensland will continue to provide services to recreational fishing, including freshwater fishing. It is stated those services include:

• Ongoing fisheries management

• Enforcement and education

• Monitoring and assessment

• Legislative review, policy and reform

• Management of native and noxious fish

• Provision of scientific expertise

• Administration of the SIP Scheme.

In our letter of the 7th November 2012, FFSAQ suggested that these services (apart from SIP) can only be described as core business of fisheries management. You were asked to provide specific details on exactly how each of these services contribute directly to recreational fishing. There was no attempt to do so.

Minister, if you are to have any genuine relationship and trust with the recreational fishing sector, you must be prepared to be open, transparent and accountable. Whilst ever you continue to be vague and evasive, and not prepared to divulge actual facts, but instead smother responses in bureaucratic waffle, this will not contribute amicable relationships.

All that FFSAQ asks is that you be honest and open with the facts, and answer the questions as asked.

Yours faithfully,

Les Kowitz

FFSAQ Executive Officer.



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