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Crissy hols


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Well its only 5 weeks away and i've got about 9 weeks worth of work to get through . Then One week at home bit of bay fishing & crabing :cheer: then 2 weeks camping at Cotton Tree :woohoo: fishing ,boating,swimming,bbq's& a few arvo happy hours :woohoo: :silly: so if your up that way and up for a fish let me know.So the whole point of this thread is to see who is doing what for xmas but it rambled a bit and I couldn't be bothered re typing it

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I will be spending as much time as i can over at Straddy. Plan to do quite a lot od rocks and beach fishing. And if i have my Profisher Yak by then ill be taking that out a bit as well.

If i get a few days at home i might try to get a side trip in to Clarrie Hall Dam and of course my old favourite Baroon Pocket Dam.


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Cowfish13 wrote:

I'll probably be spending a bit of time in the river with lures, if I can get a lift I'l do a few trips at Shultz' canal.

And this is a maybe, but we might be able to go up just north of Rocky for a week or so:woohoo:.

I spent 9 years fishing Rocky's Fitzroy River and Cooramon Creek. Also fished the causeway heaps on a full moon run in tide. Spent majority of time fishing off North Keppel Though. Great fishing up there. If you can go really far offshore there's a place called the Pinnacles. Big Trevers there.

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