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Great weather this weekend, finally!


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weather is looking good for the weekend boys!

"Outlook for Saturday and Sunday:

Over the weekend the cloud and showers are still expected to contract offshore, and a weak ridge across SE Qld will be sufficient to bring mostly fine weather with light to moderate SE winds and warmer maximum temperatures, around 30 degrees. Dewpoints will be in the high teens to 20 degrees."

Lets get out there!!!!!:silly:

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yeah I often check seabreeze and BOM for weather, when the weather is like this with big low's offshore you'll notice that every time seabreeze updates which is about every 8 hours I think, it will read differently. Its funny that light to moderate winds can still mean up to 30 knots with gusts reaching 45, I suppose when your using a scale that rates winds even stronger than cyclones then 30 knots is light to moderate

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