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Lake Leslie Australia day weekend

Aaron H

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Hey guys,

Well went to a new spot on the long weekend, after not being confident of being able to get a spot at Somerset, thought I would give Lake Leslie a go down near Warwick.

After a delayed start to getting down there (I wanted to goFriday night, but the missus wanted to pick up her new car Saturday morning. After much pleading of my case she won :( )

Got down there around three in the arvo on Saturday, there and then I nearly turned around and went home.

My nice quiet fishing and camping trip was not looking good when all I could see on the lake was skiiers and the camping ground launching areas full of cars and trailers:( .

Anyway after being told that we are staying by the boss :angry: we set up camp and decided sunrise fishing was the way to go. It was then I was informed by another camper that the coppers had been there the night before for drunken idiots and that we probably wont get much sleep.

How right they were, that night we had country music until about 2am (not real good for someone that prefers the like of Led Zeppelin and Metallica) and a fire cracker show around midnight which in turn brought the boys in blue.

I still managed to be at the luanch spot (bank launch not a ramp to be seen) by 5 am.

I trolled for a bit for no luck and I could see the missus getting bored so we found a good snaggy point on the sounder and sent down some shrimp. Well I have never released so many undersize yellowbelly in my life. It was entertaining for a while but I got bored with them pretty quick and I was after bigger things. Trolled my cod lures for a bit longer and then the ski lice came out, God they annoy me its like they deliberately target fisherman. So that was the end of fishing that day. The night was much the same woken up by a woman screaming (she fell out of the back of a trailer and the driver ran over her foot) and the boys in blue were out there again. And the Warwick locals were having another hoedown, was out on the water at sunrise again trolling for a big green fish. Now I get bored with trolling pretty quickly when things aren't happening and I was in half dazed mode when my Boomerang got smashed:blink: , the power of the fish told it was not a yella and then straight under a snag and twang:angry: line snapped, and my boomerang didn't come back:( . Went to the point and bait fished for the yellas with heaps of small ones keeping us entertained again. Then the usual infiltration of ski and jet boats came out and thats my cue to go back in before I cause a seen.

Lake Leslie will I go back there? Maybe but definitely not on a public holiday weekend

Average sized yella that we caught

[img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSCF0479.JPG


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Rocket75 wrote:

Looks like a nice spot, but better as you say with a lot less company, expecially of the ski lice variety!

Thanks for the report, how goes the "new" boat?


Good mate, comfy seats (makes missus happy, able to fish for longer and hopefully more fishing trips), good floor and the aqualizers keep it really stable, best of all no water leaks ;)

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Condimine River runs right through Warwick - Murray Cod! (More likely Carp though!)

Beautiful Town Warwick, one of my favorite places to work from, built the Asphalt at the 8 mile (twice in 14 years), and at the Gap there,as well as the New england highway from Nobby T/o back to Allora. Spent a lot of time there.

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