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Stanley River - Easter Monday - part one


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pcsolutionman wrote:

Great Stuff Terry, But no thanks coming my way for getting in waist deep water to lip grip it for yah??? :dry: :blink: :S :S


Hahaha did you realy do that for him? Fool don't you carry sizzers? :woohoo: Just kidding I know you love any fish caught on a line even if it's a mates.

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Lee the report mentions you lip gripped them...:P

Thanks mate. I was pretty excited, held my breath a little when it kept going for runs in the weed. It never once went anywhere but in weed. Then for you to go deep into the crap and sink the grips in them, tops. I did notice you were getting frustrated:P

If it wasn't for the huge amount of weed around the dam I would have gone swimming after your lure :( I dont want to come out looking like a walking mass of leeches :P

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I like Schultzy's style, "fluked a bass then fluked a golden".

I not sure how much of a fluke those fish were. I've seen him do that way too often to believe it is luck.

Last time I tagged along with him to Somerset we launched our boats at the same time and before I had my gear organised he was landing the biggest bass I've ever seen.

By the way how big was that bass in the kayak?

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TerryH wrote:

If it wasn't for the huge amount of weed around the dam I would have gone swimming after your lure :( I dont want to come out looking like a walking mass of leeches :P

Mate, never go in water with weed, to easy to get tangled and drown.

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no theres no photos. I needed to urinate so naturally I picked the spot with the biggest dumpers to land on and really misjudged the waves. My idea was I'd sit in close go over the top of the waves and paddle in on the back of one. Like I said, I misjudged it and instead of going over the top of a bigger dumper it caught me and that was the end of that, although I almost successfully rode it in, for some reason I decided to stop leaning the paddle in the water (which was the only thing keeping me upright and straightish)

That's enough said, you can picture the end result

There wasn't a tuna to be seen, nor a squire. Some guys in a boat apparently burleyed for ages for a small squire

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TerryH wrote:

no theres no photos. I needed to urinate so naturally I picked the spot with the biggest dumpers to land on and really misjudged the waves. My idea was I'd sit in close go over the top of the waves and paddle in on the back of one. Like I said, I misjudged it and instead of going over the top of a bigger dumper it caught me and that was the end of that, although I almost successfully rode it in, for some reason I decided to stop leaning the paddle in the water (which was the only thing keeping me upright and straightish)

That's enough said, you can picture the end result

There wasn't a tuna to be seen, nor a squire. Some guys in a boat apparently burleyed for ages for a small squire

well i couldnt see you berley trail working lol

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BIG GAV wrote:

I like Schultzy's style, "fluked a bass then fluked a golden".

I not sure how much of a fluke those fish were. I've seen him do that way too often to believe it is luck.

Last time I tagged along with him to Somerset we launched our boats at the same time and before I had my gear organised he was landing the biggest bass I've ever seen.

By the way how big was that bass in the kayak?


That bass was 48cm. Didn't measure the golden.

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