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Fish tank

Plastic Man

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Just set my tank back up after having to move it so we could make room for the new baby so after some rearranging to the family room a have my tank back went out and got 2 little barra 1 archer fish and one little eel tailed catty pretty happy to have fish once again :laugh: i have kept fish since i can remember im pretty sure thats what got me into fishing as a little fella

4 foot tank [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/tank_004_AFO.jpg


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how much would it cost 2 set up a tannk liek that from scratch??

would love to have sumthign like that in the living room??

closest i got is some siamese fighters

and my cat drinks most of the water in their bowls hahaha


does anyone know sumwhere close to brissy that sells bass fingerlings??

there is a garden place near me that sell silver perch fingerlings but im looking to stock a small dam that has stoped leaking through the base so want something with a bit of fight

and it the dam does start to empty again will just dump the bass in NP cause its close to me haha

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my uncle was goign to get me some from this place that used 2 sell fingerlings up the coast

but i think they are closed dunnoo.

and was hinking....if i got some bass and after they got abit bigger...could i release 2 or 3 toga???

and i rekon a tank would be awsome just to be able to watch the fish doing...wat they do

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