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Reel Maintenance.


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Just wondering what everyone does in the way of preventative maintenance on their reels after use if any lol:laugh:

Thought I should start paying extra attention to my reels i've noticed at times when I have a few rods with me in the yak and I've placed 1 in the flush mount holder they have copped a bit of saltwater spray thru out the trip:blush: :angry:



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i use freshwater to rinse my reel over a good 3 mins everytime and dry it afterwards, then i leave my reel dry and happy where there' not much dust or anything.

after a few sessions, i take the reel apart to clean out the salt( if there's any) and clean the grease if it's old, then i clean the parts and dry them. around 20mins later when they r completely dry, i put the parts together and put new grease on.

i'll change the bearings and any parts that are not perfect in my book.

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I wash it under low pressure water for 30secs or so, making sure I get into moving parts. Then let it drip dry. Havn't had a problem yet, except when I forget to wash them soon after arriving home. But nothing major yet, especially in my better quality reels.

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like everyone els wash under water - i normally chuck mine in the shower and (rod/reel) and run warm water over them - if i have been bait fishing ill use a microfiber cloth and rub them down. ill let them drip dry and after about 3-5 sessions ill take them apart and check everything and add greese

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Spray them with Inox and wipe off. Leaves a bit of a protective film for the next trip. I also oil the roller bearing every time the reel gets put in the boat. Giving the reels a coat of inox when they are brand new also helps to stop the salt and dirt sticking.

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