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Scottish Makeral!!


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Not by any stretch of the imagination anything near as spectacular as you guys get, but the humble Mackeral is the mainstay of shore fisherman in the summer.

They average around 1 to 4 pounds so very good sport on light gear.

Me and my big mate went out the other day and caught 9 between us.

Thought id contribute by throwing up some pics incase any of youse are intereseted! [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/5006435773a8069206402l.jpg


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Lovely to eat as well Faulked.

We baked them with Garlic, Onion, Chile and white wine.

Lovely jubbly!

Glad to bring back the memories, hopefully will be posting a few pics of some threadfins, snapper etc next month!!

Might be coming out a bit earlier to try and get a place for the missus arriving on the 18th July.

Added bonus of being able to go fishing without her nagging!

Take it easy


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rayke1938 wrote:

Arbroath Smokies Beauty!!!!!!!!!!!



The EU (European Union) are trying to ban Smokies, along with Kippers (Angus you must have tried these bad boys when in Scotland?), outrageous! :(

Im off up North right up the Highlands next week so I'll get a chance to fish for Salmon, hopefully have a pic of one for youse, but I doubt it since ive never caught one. :(

I promise to wear a better shirt this time! :cheer:

Not be long now till posting pics of Threadies (Catfish more like) on here! :blush:

Take it easy and tight lines


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Yeah it was in Abroat about 4 years ago. Why are trying to ban it? Depleting fish stocks? I though Haddock would have been one of the better off species.

Good luck with the Salmon. Going with a Gillie in a private river? Or winging it? I had an offer to fish to River Coe (in Glencoe) when i was visiting family up in Oban. However when i saw what the Gillie charged this young backpacker at the time had to turn the offer down!

I did however get to fish on some trout farms up further towards Inverness and Elgin which was pretty good.


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Angus wrote:

Yeah it was in Abroat about 4 years ago. Why are trying to ban it? Depleting fish stocks? I though Haddock would have been one of the better off species.

Good luck with the Salmon. Going with a Gillie in a private river? Or winging it? I had an offer to fish to River Coe (in Glencoe) when i was visiting family up in Oban. However when i saw what the Gillie charged this young backpacker at the time had to turn the offer down!

I did however get to fish on some trout farms up further towards Inverness and Elgin which was pretty good.


Its an end of season trip for my Brother football team, one of my mates has organised a gillie to take me out when they are playing a friendly with the locals. The only problem is its fly only and i aint got a clue with the fly rod, especially a big salmon fly rod.

Dont know why they are banning it Angus, I think its to do with how they are smoked, not up to EU standards or something, beauracracy gone mad mate.

Anyway better jump up the stairs mate, its the missus leaving do, heaps of women all roaring and crying up there, had to get away.

She leaves for NZ in the morning, the next time I see her will be Brisbane! :woohoo:

Scary stuff, the missus is in bits, ive never seen so much tears as I have this week.

Anyway mate got to get back to the grief :P

Take care


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