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General advice- Brissy River


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Hi guys,

I just need a quick bit of advice on fishing the brissie river from land. I'm from the uk where I used to do a fair bit of fly fishing, but I now live in the West End, so I figure I should be making the most of what is on my doorstep, ie the brissy river.

Here's what i'm thinking:

1) Fishing the west end near the boating club from land;

2) I'm wanting to fish lures initally as then I can just take myself off for a few hours when I feel like it without prepping with bait etc

3) Aiming for big fish, ie big catties, sharks, etc

4) Buying a rod/reel combo from Big W.

5) Also thinking about fishing further out, under the gateway and out at pinkenba when I have more time.

Can anyone give a bit of advice / tips on what tackle would be ideal and what fish I can target?


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basic set up from big w will do you until you get the addiction of better quality gear. ive only fish near that place once and only managed a small bream on bait. for catties (most likely different to the ones you have caught in sunny england) will be a lot easier on some flesh bait like prawn meat or squid, even stir fry beef strips chicken etc will do ok with them. and youd just need to use the basic hook, sinker and swivel. for shark ive only heard of ppl catching them on livies so youll either need to invest in a casting net or catch small but legal bream for them.

ive never fish for shark so dont know the gear to use. for other big fish such as threaddies and jewfish that can and have been caught in the river cant look futher then soft plastics and hardbody lures. if your planning on using plastics then id suggest a cheap but decent graphite rod instead of basic big w gear due to the weight. and youd be better off getting some good braid or gsp line adn fluro carbon leader, jig heads and 3inch to 5inch plastics.

i prefer 2inch -3inch plastics cos i use breamming gear more often. imo i found starting out on gulp to be good as it proved to me that fish can be caught on artifical bait and now im more confident using squidgys and atomic and other stuff

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hey mate,i also live in west end and do a fair bit of my bream fishing around west end/toowong area with lures,can be pretty productive if u suss out a few likly places;) (caught a few decent bream near the boat club but there are much beter places towards the pauls milk factory)as the weather wams up u should start to see a few more threddies n sharks coming through the city reaches of the river,live baits r the go.mite see u round somtime n welcome to the site:)

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thanks for the advice guys, the threadfins salmon sound like a good target!

We dont get catfish in the uk, so to be honest i'm pretty keen to catch one, even tho most people on here seem to hate em! caught a small ones up at wyvenhoe earlier this year on fly.

In terms of rod / reel what is the best weight to get, so I can play around with a few different fishing styles- was thinking about 6kg?


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Hey mate. I fish around there pretty regularly too. So below is what I reckon of your ideas... hopefully will help.

1) Fishing the west end near the boating club from land;

Yep. good place for lure fishing anywhere along the west end reach of the river. If you're going lures, I've personally never strayed away from an ecogear sx40 lure (find Jeryl here.. he sells them for a good price). Cast parallel to the rocks about 2-3m out in the water and a nice slow retrieve and you'll get cod, bream and flatties.

If you're using bait... same idea.. only cast a couple of meters off the rocks.

If you cast far out, you'll get catties 90% of the time.

2) I'm wanting to fish lures initally as then I can just take myself off for a few hours when I feel like it without prepping with bait etc

Yep... great benefit of lure fising. No smell and bait is ready all the time.

3) Aiming for big fish, ie big catties, sharks, etc

For big fish... i've never had any luck catching big fish on lures but plenty of blokes here have had great success...maybe one of them will pipe in here.

4) Buying a rod/reel combo from Big W.

Depending on how often you plan on going fishing and how much you enjoy it, I'd probably go and get a better set up than ones available at Big W. No need to go out splashing massive amount of money, but a rod ~$100 mark, and a ~$100 reel will keep you happy for longer than a $70 combo.

5) Also thinking about fishing further out, under the gateway and out at pinkenba when I have more time.

Yep.. good spots out there. Lots of threads here on where to fish and what was caught etc. Just have a look around and keep your eye out for "going fishing" threads and you might get to join someone who can quickly show you the ropes around there.

Good luck and enjoy your fishing :)

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Mate im in the same boat just arrived from the UK as well, glasgow to be precise.

Ive only just managed to get to a tackle store and get some decent tackle. Still need to aquire better rods as im using Big W myself.

Dont worry though, ive had heaps of fun just bait fishing from the cycleway at New farm. Ive caught a decent Cod (tasted amazing) as well as umpteen catty's.

the other night though I caught a massive pike eel, easily over 10 pounds which is pretty good for an eel!

Most folk see them as vermin but for us catching rays and big eels will be a lot of fun initially.

Ive got some whitebait and squid and im going out to new farm to do a bit of a night session. I just hope that whitebait, pilchard and squid can get you into the occasional Threadfin or Jewfish, but it seems as if livebaits and big lures are the way to go for that.

The secret is having a boat i reckon, although ive heard land based at New Farm, newstead etc can get you some threadies and Jews.

A car is also a must to try different spots which at the momment we dont have.

Be patient mate as the river is amazing compared to fishing somewhere like the clyde. :laugh:

Ive not had any luck with the lures and SP's but i'll be giving it another go. me and the missus will be in new farm having a few beers from 6 till late tonight if your in the area or fancy a fish pop over on the ferry.

You will get all the advice you need on here and theres usually fishing trips organised and stuff like that, which would be good to get involved with.

Have fun



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brisbanebound wrote:

The secret is having a boat i reckon, although ive heard land based at New Farm, newstead etc can get you some threadies and Jews.


dont need a boat mate - if you scroll back through the post all my threaddies and jewfish i have landed have all been land based - cant tell you the location, but newstead park, new farm area and breakky creek/bretts wharf area are all decent locations

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