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Guest IcEkNiGhT

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Guest IcEkNiGhT

Me and dave planned a sharking trip to morton over the weekend, leaving friday on the mi cat we arrived on morton about 10am we soon were at the sharking spot and set the baits,daves was first to go not long after, it had broke the sand bag off yet not mauled the bait too bad as it was a smaller shark the bait was re zipi tied on and set once agian not long after it was off agian doing the same damage as befor as night fell nothing much happend with 4 rods in the water we awaited darkenss to fall i watched as my rod tip flicked back and the line went slack then started peeling 130lb but unlucky for the shark i was loaded with 1600meters of 130lb on the 16/0 and after a short run and a quick fight stand up it was quickly subdued as the torch shined into the water there was a dorsal fin protruding as well as a tail fin it was left in the shallows and the hook was removed , with the hook removed a few pictures were taken befor release it was not measured as we wanted a quick release but was estimated at around 8.5foot forke lenght and close to 10foot over all, dave was next his 900h screaming into life and the hooks were set it never stoped till the reel was spooled,so that was that but what ever it was it was very large as daves bait weighed out at 30lbs he was loaded with a fair amount of 100lb line after that, the next night produced smaller hits as we were forced to move on by the local ranger:angry: , we had people winge and wine as apparently we were attracting the sharks in! never mind swimming at other beaches where there are drumlines set! anyways in conclusion to the trip one shark was landed over the 2 nights and one spool job as well as smaller bait wreckers.

will post the pics up now :)

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Guest IcEkNiGhT

cant give away too much greggy but a fair hike south of bulwer... u probably know the spot if you fish there alot. apparently we were also dumping dead sharks on the beach. but people that read my posts on this site would know how i feel about killing sharks for no reason :) ranger is definatly a toss over there its a wonder his nose is still straight :P

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So what is the deal with fishing for sharks at Moreton ... are you allowed to do it or is it against some rule?

Has anyone else (Angus/Terry/Simon/James etc.) had problems with the ranger at moreton island before?

Greggy : I assume (correct me if I'm wrong:) ) that you were not leaving dead shark bodies all over the beach, so why did the ranger move you on? And where abouts did he want you to move to ? Was it to the other side of the island from wherever you were fishing or where there were just no campers or what??

I would have thought that if you weren't allowed to fish for sharks on moreton, there would be signs posted or something:S

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meh methinks it is simply because the public gets too excited about fisherman targeting, and supposedly attracting large sharks, thinking that we are endangering them, particluarly after the Amnity Point tragedy.

True, if we were dropping barrel apon barrel of chum in the water of course that is going to attract sharks from a long way out, but I don't think a few tuna is going to do it, only the sharks that are allready there swimming between all the surfers/swimmers are going to find a tuna. There must be a substantial number of large sharks around the shallows of our local islands at any given time, and unless they do something ridiculous over a long period of time, a few fisherman won't have much effect on their numbers!

Maybe some ppl just don't like being reminded what they are swimming with:whistle:

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Werewolf: So we should stop using the barrels of chum? :P Just jokes.

Fisher 191: Like security gaurds some rangers are cool and some are not. When i was over there we had a 4wd pull up with a couple of rangers. These guys excitedly told us about some sharks caught the week before and wished us luck. So obviously these two coupld not care less. As for being allowed, as Feral said, you would be well within your rights to tell them to bugger off as you are breaking no rules. However as Werewolf stated its most likely a bit sensitive due to the amity point tragedy, so i would probably be inclined myself to set up somewhere with as little chance possible of having campers whinge.


Post edited by: Angus, at: 2007/01/24 06:56

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Guest IcEkNiGhT

When we dident move on at first a few hours later crabpots just suddenly appeared in front of us makeing it impossible to fish, there was a whole beach but they were only infront of us. either it was just a fluke or the ranger had arranged for them to go there so we had to move ...... im inclined to think the second :)

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yeah iceknight i'm pretty certain i know where you woulda been mate! we fidshed there in october and were snagged seven out of eight times - managed to get one ten foot dusky in, but the others all were bust offs! so you did darn well mate, good on yer!!! the ranger drove straight through our lines at 1am , and when he slowed down, he bellowed ' i dont have time to stop', so we lost two friggin rigs!!! mighta been the same tosser as you got. but fair dinkum, such poor logic saying we attract sharks! anyway it aint against the rules so bugger em!

fisher, mate we tag all our sharks, so it wouldn't have been us. musta been another group. i can understand em bein g annoyed at dead sharks being left there, but i doubt any of us on here would do that!

you're right about that angus, some are great, some tossers!


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Guest IcEkNiGhT

yeah some of the 4wds are doing 140klph i would reckon and are right on the water line. they got the whole beach which is bigger then a freeway and they still need to drive half in the water,.the \"wanker partol\" driving thu a line is just not right, as if they dont know better, it takes what? 10sec to go around a rod? and yet they still winge. who has right of way tho? fisherman? or 4wds?

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Greggy ... what a fool that ranger must have been to drive through your lines on purpose, and then to have the nerve to call out to you that he couldn't be bothered stopping. I wonder if he would have stopped and gone around if you had have been on the beach, or would he have tried to run you down? Surely the road rules would apply over on moreton in some kind of way, and pedestrians would have right of way over the cars. Must think he owns the island and can do what he wants if that's the way he carries on:angry:

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Guest IcEkNiGhT

gazzetted roads what you mean? as for the ranger going thru you line if he hada done that to mine woulda been the last thing he did,its too expensive to lose a $50 trace and a spool of line to some dickhead in a fwd who cant take 10 sec to slow down and go around why do they insist on driving into lines? its like they do it on purpose or something,

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From memory the law was changed over 20 yrars ago specifically to give the police some powers over beach speeding and traffic problems on frazer and straddy, Before then it was open slather.But now they can enforce speed limits and breatherlise you and vechicles have to be roadworthy and registered.Before then everyone used to make their own beach buggies from chopped down austin a30s and 40s with a welded up diff.


Post edited by: rayke1938, at: 2007/01/26 18:00

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yeah we were fuming to say the least! 72 bucks each our traces cost, so we weren't at all willing to put up with it, but were powerless to do anything. hopefully that same bugger aint on when we go over next. did you encounter any snags on your trip iceknight? we couldnt avoid em on our last two trips - lost nearly a grand just in traces. they were everywhere!


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Guest IcEkNiGhT

how far are you taking you baits out. if your fishing that \"reefy\"spot not far from the CT drop off you will lose a few, we got a few spots where none are encountered and loving it :) i always thought pedestrians had right of way... anyways im still not moving for the *ickhead patrol :)

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Gday Iceknight. Maybe you should ask Angus and his crew about where they fish at moreton. I don't think they mentioned anything about the ranger giving them any trouble in their last fishing report, so I'm guessing that there might be some areas over there that they don't mind you shark fishing from?

Otherwise Werewolf's idea of burying the line sounds like a goer. I know others do this as I've already asked about it before. The only problem I think you might run in to is during an out-going tide, your line won't be buried any more as the water goes out:S Once again I'd check with Angus, Terry, Simon or James as these guys would have the answers.:) Cheers, Fisher_191

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Guest IcEkNiGhT

tried burying lines it dont work they still pick them up :) and sometimes tow pegs behind there 4wds just to pick the lines up :angry: , as for places we shark we got ours and dont want to move nor will move,and yes fisher your right with the tide :) i used this idear in mackay but only to foot traffic and it worked well :), next time we fish at morton i aint moving for that bloody ranger agian :), when fishing at morton it dosent really seem to \"have better spots\" sharks just cruise the dropoff and shallows of a night/day, some might be a little better then others due to reef ect, but all much of a much ness :)

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Sometime u just have to show ppl u mean business what ever the cost................

As for them drivin through the line thats not very professional of the rangers/fisheries and if they want to play dirty u have to play in their field.......

Just because they have authority doesnt mean they have the authority to be cockheads....they have rules and regulations that they have to abide by and if they keep givin ya shit maybe its a case for harassment......

I always play be the rules when it comes to authority figures but I have meet a few\"to big for their boots\" over the years and 1 thing I have learnt is never back down what ever the cost....Their just like school yard bullies...and u know the best way to beat a bullie...

Knock their fuckin blocks off..................

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I too agree with what feral said and understand the penalties but I dont agree with the bullshit tactics they are usin to get rid of shark fishos.....If there is a problem with them fishing I'm sure they could go about it in a proper manner...fine them/worn them if they are doing something wrong but other wise piss off and find someone that is .....

If ya dont make a noise youll never be heard.....

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