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where have all the Bream gone?


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Is it just me?

Flathead are abundant at the moment ,but I have not landed a Bream over 30cm in months.

why are all the bream small runty and not on the bite?

seems the flathead do ok, but the bream are small if there at all, to say the least.

At the moment I would bet on catching a Jew before I caught a good size bream in the river.


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When I was younger (yeah a long time ago) no one even bothered fishing for bream outside of winter. It was considered not worth it, only small fish scattered here and there. The schools of big bream used to come in to the river and the Pin only in winter.

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Feral wrote:

When I was younger (yeah a long time ago)

Jesus I really rate you when you say that.

onya son.

Speaking to one of the locals and he has been getting plenty of good ones plus the odd legal snapper off the southern breakwall at mout of weinman creek at redland bay. Using chook gut. Last 2 hours of run tide but said they will go off in a day or so with the moon going into wrong quarter.



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The best of night from my last 3 landbased efforts have been 35, 38 and 38 but no numbers. The last 38cm fish caught on Thursday night was an animal, it was high and very thick, a much bigger fish than the previous 38cm. It reminded of the big short impoundment/lake type fish so I am guessing it got washed out of somewhere with the rain.

There has been a lot of fresh and flooding and it is also coming on to that time of the year when they play mummies and daddies :laugh: so they will be on the move. They aren't thick but they are there and for me it is just a matter of perservering in areas I know produce fish. I am using bait so maybe that could be the difference.

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Yeah i reckon there are plenty bream around too.

Fished the low tide on the rockwall past the cement works at pinkenba

and must have caught about 30.All sizes from ones that fit in the palm

of your hand to a couple that went 38cm.Caught a few squire as well then the

tailor moved in and couldn't get near the bottom.

i have been using mainly chicken breast with great results in the past but this time had to settle for the servo pillies. didn't seem to hurt my cause

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i don't rate them as an eating fish, but they have varied diets so i suppose they might taste different in different areas. i always thought that you caught more in winter but bigger ones in summer. i guess it depends on where you fish but i got three two weekends ago on poppers in clear island waters that went plus thirty. they're impounded though so i guess dif. rules apply...

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Hi all.. new to this site.. been doing a lot of fishing around woody point, margate clontarf over the last 3 months as just moved there. and must say ive never caught such big bream as I am now.. Flatties are big and fat at the moment and all have been taking fresh caught bait.. Cant keep up with eating them lately so having to put 40 45 cm bream back and just put a 53cm Flattie back today.. Anyonr else catching??


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Yeah, just about sh*%#t myself for real when I got the first one that size.. but they just keep coming.. Maybe its the bait, been catching hardie heads off the pier and butterflying them like I would for snapper and bamm! hearing have been ok but the hardies are smashing it! Small ones are the best, found that if you dont have to butterfly them and can just go up thru the nose and thru the shoulder once they just get swallowed like littel jelly beans..

trying to upload the photos now... Stay tuned..

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