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your catch of the year

James W

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For me,

This year my wife changed jobs which restricted weekend fishing and late in the year work killed most midweek fishing trips so as a result very disappointing year of fishing.

The highlight was my first go at bass fishing.good company, good fighting fish.What more could I ask for.Probably 2nd was a week ago when I caught a bullie and then pulled in a 65cm cattie which fought as hard as the shark and was the fattest cattie i have seen.

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mine pale in comparison but im a beginner!

Here is one catch from Fraser I was pretty stoked with

[img size=400]http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs116.snc3/16332_215118395015_618995015_4629358_5220869_n.jpg


if the link isnt working, its two big whiting and a nice Dart!!

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webbfunk wrote:

werewolf wrote:
Easy, my PB bully, caught Jan 09 B) It was a 3 shark trip land based trip too. 102_1246-20100107.JPG

I prefer the pic with you wearing the pretty good luck hat Werewolf!....

Nah I didn't but on my lucky hat until number 3 shark of the day. It was a bit smaller too. Still lucky though B)

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