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Jacobs Well Sunday 18th


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Went for a quick session yesterday down Jacobs Well way. It was amazing how many trailers there were at the ramp before 5.

Anyway I launched from the piece of beach just up from the ramp and started exploring the channel on the way up to the marina, it was nice with minimal traffic along there, with all the boats cruising up to the pin in the far channel.

Fishing was hot today, all up I landed 10 legal Flathead and a nice sole, this was done with the help of my trusty 100mm spuigy wriggler. Kept 2 for the dinner table and the rest swam away. No real size to the ones I landed, but they were all legal. Lost two bigger fish near the yak (joys of using 4lb line with Flathead) :) . I estimated them to be around the 70cm mark, but that's fishing, and a speedy release is always better for the big old ladys.

Not bad for a bit over an hours fishing. Hope everyone else had a good weekend on the water in the great weather we had. Cheers Bill. 016-20100719.jpg


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It was a good feed, a lot of people stick there noses up at the humble old flathead. Apart from fresh reef fish, I believe flathead and whiting to be the best table fish in the ocean, just a pain in the arse to fillet :lol: .

They can't be any bigger then 55cm but, otherwise the flesh gets very soft.

Thanks Guys.

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