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Offshore Sunday - Deckies required


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Hi guys,

I am looking at heading offshore on sunday, most likely around the top end of moreton chasing some snapper, kingies and anything else that I can get to bite, i'm not particularly fussy like that. Plan would be to head off around 4:30am, getting back by about 5pm at the latest. Plan to fish the shoals east of cape moreton and up to hutchies if things are quiet.

Looking for two crew to tag along. As long as you are willing to perform anchor b!tch duty if required and are willing to share costs give me a yell. I have some decent gear that I won't be using and am more than happy to share, however, feel free to bring your own of course.

drop me a PM or give me a call on 0422 377 848 if you are interested.

benno <'>-<

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benno573 wrote:

Malcolm wrote:
where are you going from ? This could be a goer

Mal, pending where we end up heading will either be the Port boat ramp or Manly. Most likely port ramp at this stage though. Would be great to have you along. :kiss:

Geez thats a long run. How long does it take you to hit the cape?

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I used to drive to Scarborough to launch to head north but have taken nissan200mu (Josh) and his brother out a couple of times and at their suggestion launched from the port ramp. Although the ramp is crap I found it much better to be on the water earlier - only 10 mins from home at Wynnum, short distance to tow equals reduced risk on the road and line ball whether it took any longer overall to get to the cape. Fuel hasn't been an issue and that's probably line ball also when I factor in the vehicle fuel consumption.

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Not much to report, except that we had a great day out. Left the boat ramp at about 5am and pushed through some chop in the dark, arriving at the top end of Moreton around sunrise. A bit more wind than expected so the decision was made to sit in the lee of the cape and see if it flattened out as predicted. Showing great respect to the skipper, Malcolm and I let Benno catch a nice snap on his first drop. As the morning wore on, we showed even greater respect by not catching a keeper between us. Benno added a couple of tarwine to the esky.

The wind didn't slow down so we decided to move to Curtin artificial reef and see what happened. Short answer - nothing happened. Moved again to Mud and interrupted a pre-school session with only tiny bites and a couple of small fish to the boat.

Moved into the river on the bottom of the tide and caught a few keeper snapper - well at least Mal and Ben caught a few keepers (snapper between 38 and 42 cm). Not my day, so I ended up with no keepers except the ones that Benno gifted me at the end of the day so i could save some face at home.

Fishing wise, not a brilliant trip. But it was fantastic to met Mal and Benno and I am really grateful to Ben for the opportunity. I hope your cold has improved Benno and my turn to clean the boat next time. No photos cos we were too lazy to take any, but good memories of camera shy whales and good company.


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yeah, dunno what crack the weatherman was smoking that day... 10-15kn my ar$e! we had a solid 18, gusting 20+ for the entire time we were outside which made leaving the lee of the cape very uninviting, whitecap city out there.

cold has actually turned out to be bronchitis... yay. :(

i appreciate you two guys ensuring the 11nd commandment was upheld - no-one outfished the skipper. you can push me harder next time though. especially you steve... :P

steve did actually get a keeper - a flounder around 30cm.

i guess it wasn't a bad result for a quiet as day though where pretty much nothing went as i saw it in my head before i left home in the morning. we got 5 snapper 38 - 51cm, 2 tarwhine, a trevally and a flounder.

will definitely get you boys out again soon when the weatherman is back on my side...

sparksie... kreel... what's this trash about whipping? that was the cattle prod. maybe i'm just using it wrong?

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hope you feel a lil bit sorry for me out at tempest, wasn't to bad early morning, but just got worse as the day went on, kinda over that crap these days, wot a bloody waste of time and money i thought, onya weather man... well bloody done, you weren't even close, goos to see all that cash flow was well utilised with weather predicting, should ask the govt for 20 mil $ and just look out the window too, seems like thats all they do !!! bastards

waitin for some ppl to reallt get injured out there as it got worse as the day wore on... it will happen.

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It was a good day thanks Benno and good to meet you Steve we will have to a river snapper sesh some time.

The wind did suck a bit but after I had a nanna nap at curtin it was much better for the trip back.

I wouldn't want to be the weather man I'm sure they do there best.

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good to see you guys get a few in the end it pays never to give up if you have got the time and on the weather there has been a large low hanging off the coast which are very hard to predict what will happen so if you see them on the synoptic chart just beware things could change very quickly.

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