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KFT Round 1 Soverign Islands


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Yesterday morning I headed down to Soverign islands for Round 1 of the KFT Kayak fishing comp. It was not an ideal day to head out, with the winds reaching about 40knots I reckon later in the day.

After a quick briefing everyone jumped in there yaks and were off to our spots and would fish for the next 6 hours and aim to get 5 legals (23cm). First cast of the morning and my little atomic got smacked on a rocky wall. It was a bream, and it was going to be very close. A quick measure, 22.8cm :angry: Couldn't believe it, tried stretching him a little but didn't work B)


Anyway after that I headed over to the Crab island flats even though it was blowing a gail. I peddled right up to the island and then drifted over prbs a kilometres worth of flats, firing out casts as far as i could with shallow hardbodies. It proved very effective in getting bream, but not legal bream :angry:

All day i persisted. Thinking that I could work through the small ones and eventually nail a few legals, but it didn't happen. I got about 15 bream off the flats and everyone was undersized. Also got a nice 40-45cm Flatty which was awesome fun on 2lb in the shallow water.




It was in the last hour so i slowly made my way back fishing rock walls, pontoons and boat hulls, for another small bream and a few hits on a bloodworm wriggler. I fished hard all day, right too the end, for no legals. Was really dissapointed and still am, but am looking for too next Round now in about a months time.

Well done to Den (Keen as fisho) on his 10th spot, and 3 legal bream, awesome stuff mate :)



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It was a bloody hard slog out there for anyone that wasn't in a Hobie. You did well to land so many bream even if they weren't legal. The flats would have been the place to be that's for sure.

I know whenever I stopped paddling I got blown about 10kms an hour, and the 3/4 meter waves weren't fun either. There is always next time like you say.

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It was definitely a bloody hard day. I tried a few different areas with the small canals adjacent to crab island giving my first legal bream of the day at 23.2cm to the fork. It was a solid two hours before I found the next two legals back in Sovereign canals, 27.5cmFL and 29.2cmFL, both were caught on the surface :woohoo: Stoked with tenth place considering how tough the day was and very happy with my flash new esky.

Next round is the 17th of April behind pacific pines.

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It was a bloody hard slog out there for anyone that wasn't in a Hobie. You did well to land so many bream even if they weren't legal. The flats would have been the place to be that's for sure.

I know whenever I stopped paddling I got blown about 10kms an hour, and the 3/4 meter waves weren't fun either. There is always next time like you say.

Yeah it was hard, even with the hobie. My whole day consisted of peddling up to crab and drifting for about 1km over the flats, then peddle back up to crab and repeat B)

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good effort dan,atleast you got on to the bream so thats awsome just need to work on the size. :)

hey did ya end up finding any 3,lb after i saw ya or wat?

also top effort den top fish good placing cant complain with that onya boys doin afo proud ;)

Na i didn't ay, stuck with the 4lb B)

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good effort dan,atleast you got on to the bream so thats awsome just need to work on the size. :)

hey did ya end up finding any 3,lb after i saw ya or wat?

also top effort den top fish good placing cant complain with that onya boys doin afo proud ;)

Na i didn't ay, stuck with the 4lb B)

Am I wrong in thinking it is more about the leader than the main-line? I run a 5lb main-line and downgrade to a 2lb leader depending on what I am chasing, and how finicky they are. I have tried 2lb main-line before, and found that I just got too many wind-knots and was far too fiddly to tie decent knots. With my powerpro 5lb, I am casting just as far, as I have more confidence to be aggressive with the casting.

Sorry to hijack your thread with this Dan, but am very curious as to what the general thought is.



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Yeah im the same, try and lower the leader to as low as possible to avoid the fish being timid and not taking the lure. I used 3lb mainline with 4lb leader, for the comp on two of my combo's and one also with 2lb. But as mick said, i was in bcf the other day trying to find 3 leader, as I wanted to go lighter for the flats, but couldn't find any.

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