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Sea Sickness.....who's got tips?


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I hope someone or all of you can share any tips you think works for sea sickness. I unfortunately get crook when it gets a bit rough, thankfully not to the berley stage but not far off.

I have tried tablets and felt they did nothing. Have heard putting one ear plug in an ear can help(yet to try that). When im driving the boat im as good as gold but if I have to rig up after a bust off I just cant do it.........the boat rocking is just too much when focusing on re-rigging.

I hate being restricted to fishing only the best days, especially when most of this year has been less than desirable to say the least.

Any tips much appreciated



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take me with you next time. I'm great at sympathy :whistle: KAF has been delicately cared for by me on occasion :P

Each time you head out try a different remedy until you find the one that works. Travacalm is no good to my mrs, she is fine using kwells or those stupid wrist bands

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I've tried Kwells - didn't work for me, Tried Travacalms - 2 - an hour before launch and no sickness, just cotton-mouth. You might try Ginger Beer (NOT ginger-Ale), staring at the horizon or if its bad jump in the ocean - I've not tried it but a skipper on one of the boats I've been on swears by it. Its just a little disconcerting when the skipper jumps over-board just as the swell picks up.

Failing all those things... have you tried knitting?

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There are natural remedies which include ginger in their ingredients, so some people just chew on the ginger.... Yuck!

If you use tablets, make sure you keep your fluids up (I mean down, I mean up) well you know what I mean. The tablets seem to dry you out a bit and combined with sun and maybe a beer, you start feeling hung over real quick.

Staring at the horizon is good and perhaps thats whats doing it when driving the boat as apparently it balances you as the horizon is a constant.

I have only ever been seasick once and that was sailing from Sydney to Jervis Bay, but we were in a force 5 gale and everyone on board was crook. I stayed below and cooked for those who were able to stay on deck and not be sick. It was strange as 4 out of 8 were sick on deck and the other 4 were sick down below and vice versa.

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if you havent been throwing up thats a good thing!... smash down some salt and viniger chips when your out there.. not only do they taste awesome... they work a treat!!!!! just dont drink after eating these.. wait till the sickness has left and youll be good to goooooo!

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if you havent been throwing up thats a good thing!... smash down some salt and viniger chips when your out there.. not only do they taste awesome... they work a treat!!!!! just dont drink after eating these.. wait till the sickness has left and youll be good to goooooo!

:lol::lol: What about chicken chips :P:)

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I have been told the only true way to beat it is to stick it out. Jump on a boat and don't get off again until your sickness is cured.

Personally I don't have time to do that, so I do the tablet before bed and again in the morning before going. A couple of ginger bears and plenty of water helps as well.

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have you tried it? Being cheap is handy, whether it works ill give it ago and see. cheers

Mate, I use it all the time with my brother. He gets sick lookin at rough water. if he doesn't use it, burley everywhere- including the marine carpet, which upsets the missus çause the boat shares her garage and stinks it out. Tried everything else, but his works everytime.

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