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first time bass....and gets a 50cm


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Took my nephew bass fishing today, first time using lures and first time standing up casting all day, to say I'm super proud and over the moon is a real understatement beat my PB by 2cm first time out,Super impressed with his efforts today who never gave up after catching nothing for 3 hours



cheers happy uncle


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Kicking my self i didnt get a ruler shot but for those who know bass wont doubt it, Got a massive kick out of him catching it probably moreso than me catching it, i hooked acouple and handed him the rod but refused and wanted one of his own, now he wants his "own bass rod" guess i spoilt him with with 2004 exist and majorcraft slicer

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What a great report !!! always does the heart good to see a little bloke battle a trophy bass. How'd he handle it Beau ?

Like a champ until i yelled its a ------ Horse! he looked at me with a very blank expression and said " a horse"? as if were fishing for fish not horses idiot!

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nice one beau, top fish for the young fella and i bet he's glad he put up with you for 3 hours on a little boat to get his bass :lol:

spose you'll have to give him the exist/majorcraft for his birthday/xmas now. im sure shanes got something to replace it with lined up for ya

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