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Eatin river fish like threadfin?


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I was bored the other day so I took off for a fish around Oxley/Indro way.

When I got there I threw out the cast net for some bait and managed a handfull of prawns in about 20 minutes, this was a good sign as the prawns bring the fish.

I stopped netting after a while as I must have been closer to the top of the tide than I estimated and the tide had dropped and was starting to approach the turn.

Caught two catty and was wasting good bait but I was just happy mucking around.

Then the rod went off and after a shortish fight up comes a 70cm thready (this was about 2pm).

I pulled it up and yep it had gulped the hook well into its throat (so much for circle hooks), anyway after trying to remove the hook I had stressed the fish so much it went belly up on release.

Not want ing to waste it I got a stick and coaxed it back in.

I tried to give it away to this ol guy fishing nearby but he could not speak english and he didn't want it.

So i filleted it and took it home (fillets now in fridge).

The thing is though when I got home I made a cuppa and soon after had a sharp stomach pain, felt a bit weird. After some though I realised I had not washed my hands and maybe I got some River water in me or some bug from when I made a cuppa.

So now I got fillets in the fridge but not too sure if I want to eat them?

What do you reckon?

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Could have picked up a bug or something. Good idea to wash your hands before going anywhere near your mouth when you have been fishing anyway but would especially do it around that area of the river, oxley creek has a reputation for being quite polluted at the best of times (and more so after the floods) if you were in that vicinity.

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Could have picked up a bug or something. Good idea to wash your hands before going anywhere near your mouth when you have been fishing anyway but would especially do it around that area of the river, oxley creek has a reputation for being quite polluted at the best of times (and more so after the floods) if you were in that vicinity.

Yeah but I have two threadie fillets in the fridge now..

You think they are ok to eat?

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thanks..lol I might try a little bit and see how I go.

guess cooking them up will be ok.

At least the mid river is on the bite (I am a big fan of mid river fishing), just always tend to wonder about eating quality of fish, I don't keep or eat a lot but the fish always taste good, looks healthy, but you never really know 100% do you?

I would have thought with all the fresh flushing water quality would have been good, bar the sediment/mud being stirred into the water, which is now settling.

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How soon after did you get the stomach pains? Minutes? Hours?

I would doubt that it would be related.

Yeah pretty much when I was having a cuppa 40 mins after I left fishing. It just fekt like a stomach bug flu onset then disapeared after about 3-4 hours, so I was thinking it might have been a bug in the water.

Not to worry I have eaten fish before from the river, I was just wondering if quality was up down or in the red due to some flood hazzards.

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yeah mate i ahve eatin plenty of stuff west of the city and beyond eg karalee mogill area but havnt tried anything since the floods, not because im worried about i just havnt fished anything past brekky creek since then. id just eat it if i were you, youll be fine. if not you learnt the hard way lol

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I was bored the other day so I took off for a fish around Oxley/Indro way.

When I got there I threw out the cast net for some bait and managed a handfull of prawns in about 20 minutes, this was a good sign as the prawns bring the fish.

I stopped netting after a while as I must have been closer to the top of the tide than I estimated and the tide had dropped and was starting to approach the turn.

Caught two catty and was wasting good bait but I was just happy mucking around.

Then the rod went off and after a shortish fight up comes a 70cm thready (this was about 2pm).

I pulled it up and yep it had gulped the hook well into its throat (so much for circle hooks), anyway after trying to remove the hook I had stressed the fish so much it went belly up on release.

Not want ing to waste it I got a stick and coaxed it back in.

I tried to give it away to this ol guy fishing nearby but he could not speak english and he didn't want it.

So i filleted it and took it home (fillets now in fridge).

The thing is though when I got home I made a cuppa and soon after had a sharp stomach pain, felt a bit weird. After some though I realised I had not washed my hands and maybe I got some River water in me or some bug from when I made a cuppa.

So now I got fillets in the fridge but not too sure if I want to eat them?

What do you reckon?

circle hooks dont come with a gaurantee of fooking the fish in the mouth every single time.. the main resion for gut hooks, with circle hooks is you let the fish have the bait to long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if it is a descent fish and you try and set the hook when it picks it up, then you will hook in in the mouth providing it does pick the bait up and swim towards you first. if is a smaller fish at it hasnt got the hook in is mouth straight away any you miss it,their is no loss, so basicaly if you cant hook a fish with a circle hook straight away it may be a small fish.

i have fished with circle hooks for yrs now and 99 time out of 100, its in the corner of the mouth, it comes down to timing.

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welcome to the site mate. The sore stomach would not relate to the unwashed hands. It takes a little while for symptoms usually 6 hours and and can take 36 hours to get sick from this sort of thing ( it is also quantity related). I think the fillets will be fine. You are not doing it everyday so there will not be any impact as long as you handle and prepare the fish correctly. The main issue with eating any fish is heavy metals. The occasional fish will not be a problem.

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welcome to the site mate. The sore stomach would not relate to the unwashed hands. It takes a little while for symptoms usually 6 hours and and can take 36 hours to get sick from this sort of thing ( it is also quantity related). I think the fillets will be fine. You are not doing it everyday so there will not be any impact as long as you handle and prepare the fish correctly. The main issue with eating any fish is heavy metals. The occasional fish will not be a problem.

Thanks mate

Are you a nurse or something?.. Doctor, ambo,..scientist?

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welcome to the site mate. The sore stomach would not relate to the unwashed hands. It takes a little while for symptoms usually 6 hours and and can take 36 hours to get sick from this sort of thing ( it is also quantity related). I think the fillets will be fine. You are not doing it everyday so there will not be any impact as long as you handle and prepare the fish correctly. The main issue with eating any fish is heavy metals. The occasional fish will not be a problem.

Thanks mate

Are you a nurse or something?.. Doctor, ambo,..scientist?

Yep hes a nurse :whistle:

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welcome to the site mate. The sore stomach would not relate to the unwashed hands. It takes a little while for symptoms usually 6 hours and and can take 36 hours to get sick from this sort of thing ( it is also quantity related). I think the fillets will be fine. You are not doing it everyday so there will not be any impact as long as you handle and prepare the fish correctly. The main issue with eating any fish is heavy metals. The occasional fish will not be a problem.

Thanks mate

Are you a nurse or something?.. Doctor, ambo,..scientist?

No I am not a doctor, nurse, or Ambo but I do have a Science background. Have learned this from experience unfortunately.

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Hi Red,

Welcome to the site, if you caught the fish from the gateway towards the mouth I dont think there would be a problem, but with the floods, the indro, yeronga reach of the river still has a few contaminants in it, especially with the out flow from the creeks around Rocklea etc.

If you were fishing around a tidal creek, it may be worth cheking out where it starts.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


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Just cook some and feed it to your cat, wash your hands and utensils and sit back and wait.

If you dont have a cat there is always one handy.

Dont eat it if the cat gets sick or worse ;)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: :dry: ''SPCA'' :dry: :lol::lol::lol::lol: Will get ya hahahahahah ;):)

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Just cook some and feed it to your cat, wash your hands and utensils and sit back and wait.

If you dont have a cat there is always one handy.

Dont eat it if the cat gets sick or worse ;)

If the cat dies eat the cat. :dry:

Even if you know it's poisonous I'd like to see you eat it. :whistle:

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