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MY Golden Girl


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Hey all I putting this up to gloat about my daughter (11) new PB of a cracker of a fish (more about that latter)

With the MBC approaching I was all hooked up to play decky 2nd year running but the skipper had failed to get his rig ready (pussca)and only had a leave pass for sunday.

So I had a change of plans to play skipper and went chasing dekies with a pm sent to plastic fantastic (last time on my boat)litte bastard :lol::lol: out fished the skipper but I had the last laugh with the biggest trev of the day. :whistle: :whistle:



So day to I tee up to meet ryan young at cleveland @ 5.30 but up to standards I was late and I had a third one to join us my eldest daughter Andrea who hadn't fished much around the bay so it was going to be an experiance for her as well as me to up grade my trev form day 1.We loaded up and left the ramp just after 6 and a good run out to peel but as we rounder the eastern end the wind near blew us back to from where we had just come from and me calling the weatherman every name under the sun for getting the wind so wrong.(10knots)

We got out to spot X to chase trves again with me having a bit of a wet ass but with the electric deployed away we went and about 3rd cast ryan was of the donut with a little gt.We found the fish a lot less eager to play with us abut not a lot more for about the next 90min When the crazy clan turned up so we moved to join them.Ted dropped out some burley which seemed to kick the action on with ted to to a fish and then not and as that happened ryan found 1 that took a liking to his SP and a PB golden trve of about 56cm and as per day 1 the decky was giving my the shits by out fishing the skipper :silly: :P:P I think it was 3/0 in now tiome flat and even the daughter had fish in before the old fat man.Andrea was keen to get a golden as she could see how much ryan and I were having so when ryan hooked another 1 he handed the rod over to her and it was on and once landed she had smile from ear to ear.So with the golden bug she grabbed her rod and then joined ryan in a double hookup



and left dad to netting duty's.Her fish then had had enough of playing game and went for a massive run and with ryan still on to his fish I got moving with the electric chasing both fish,Andrea fighting this thing like an old pro and ryan doing his best to get his.Both fish came to view and hhhhooollllyyy crap Andrea's fish was massive.I had only seen o golden bigger but she handled it with ease so in to the net on to the brag mat to coming at 74cm.



A quick photo and back to the water it went to play another day so total for the day 5 golden trevs in the esky 3 given away and about 8 released.

Thanks to ryan and mark for a great weekend and Andrea for a very very very good day out 1 I will talk about for some time to come

Thanks for reading and sorry I went on a we bit.

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Haha great report Dassa, looks like anyone who goes decky on your boat has a pretty good shot :P

Dunno about 'any' deckie, I think that boat is the anti-christ :evil:

I didn't put this in the report but there was a young fella fishing the jetty when pussca asked if I could take him out and try to get him onto a good fish so 30seconds latter he was onto and landed his first golden trev so tom :P:P:P:P:P:P:P

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Great photo of Andrea with the big golden she looks pleased with herself i have shown Brock and he is very jealous and said it would have gone mad around the boat you won't have to twist her arm to go fishing at all

Well done Dassa, Andrea and Ryan

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Now I see what's happened - the ability to fish well has skipped a generation in the Harvey clan. All hail Andrea Champion angler and all round nice fella. I can't wait to see Megan out-fish the old man and anyone else for that matter.

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Go Andrea!! what a cracker of a fish. Great session fellas,that`s 1 you`ll have to store in the Great Times Folder.

dassa, I hear you hog the home PC :whistle: ,so you`ll have to get Andrea a laptop so she can come on site and post on her future adventures. :evil: :lol:

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Sounds like you have the goldens pretty well sussed. Grats to Andrea on that beast, great to see them coming from the bay.

Were they all caught on plastics?

mate thats all we used all weekend but had to up grade the jig heads to the tt xs 1/4 ,1/6 and 1/8 and up the leader on Andreas to 20lbs good thing I did as it was fraged for about 30cm

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Sorry for the lateness, I have finally found my camera, and actually had time to square myself away lol


Nice way to forget about the brief shower we had.


Some pics of my first ever golden, not the biggest I managed on the day, but cool for a first.


Thanks again for a fantastic day mate, it's one I will remember! The look on Andrea's face when she landed the monster golden was epic, and really made the day!



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