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a Disaster narrowly avoided


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well i had planed to meet ricko and bass tracker on the water to chase some jewies friday arvo/night.

well 2.30 was upon me and i jumped into the car, boat in toe and i was off on my way to molmsley boat ramp.

as i approched the old cleveland rd exit i noticed a car rite up my clacker, i could evan see him at some stages. i was in the far right lane of the 4 lanes, sitting in traffic, not holding anyone up. so i thort to myself i would murge right when i got the chance. the chance arrose and i merged left. they scremed up the outside of me and the passanger lent out the window and was giving me the finger and me, shouting all sorts of abusive language at me being a real prat, then he sped up quickly and pulled infront of me. the passanger proceeded to keep hanging out the window, flipin me the bird and i shook my head and taped it with my index finger as no say, no brains. he got back into the car and then climbed back out and started throwing either bundy or jd cans ( full ) at the car. luckly he was not a good throw and the were landing short of the car. i think he was not impressed with himself so he proceeded back into the car and next thing i new their was something big and white hurtleing toward the centre of my windsreen, automatically i swerved, bad choise, next thing i new the trailer was learching across 3 lanes and the car was vilontly swerving all over the place, i could see lhe boat rocking back and forth on the trailer,so i punched it excelerating out of the fish tail. that would have been the most shit scared i have ever been, i was just luckly the trailer didnt hit another car or motobike, besides the fact of nearly loosing the boat of the trailer and jack knifing. luckly i knew to excelerate out of it and not break. having 2t of boat learching across 3 lane is so frightening. on under controll and composed, i grabed my camera and filmed these punks and then pulled into the 7-11 servo at lytton and called the police.

they said that they have had numerous complants about them and they sent me to boondall police station with a job no# to give a statement.

i arrived their and gave them my storie and the first thing that came out of his mouth was, well what do you want me to do about it. i was shocked, he said we cant do anything about it, i said, you have got to be kidding, their have been heaps of complaints and a near accident and evadence and your saying you wont do anything. well i got quite upset and voiced my appinion and let them no i was not happy. he reluctantly took my statement and my video footage and sent me on my way.....

so the way i took this coper, and how he delt with the situation was, ( i dont care ) ( i cant be bothered ) ( tell some who cares ). and we employ them and pay their wges for this kind of help. but i bet you if i took matters into my own hands and beat the liven piss out of the punks to teach them a lession, i would have been the bad person. what has to happen to get the police to do their jobs properly, does someone has to get hurt or evan worse,die. this whole ordeal has sicken me and i will not stop till my voice is heard.



now onto the fishing.

green machine and i spent 3hrs chasing livies with the castnets to be reward only with 12 prawns and 3 mullet and afew herring. with our sore arms and back we headed of for our destination at the poo shoot. anchored up wind against time swinging all over the place, wasnt the best for fishing and it wasnt untill the tide had changed and had some flow about it and we were sitting pritty on the anchor when i hear a flight zz zz. i picked up my rod and felt weight, gave it 3m of line and helt some weight and then lent back on the rod, a very quick fight on 40lb and up comes a 58cm jew, quick photo and released nice and heathy. a nother hr passed and we were loosong livies, but no ratchet movement. 2.00 was upon us and we were both very cold so we wound in the lines pulled anchor and hit the key and nothing...grrrrrrrr had a poke around and noticed that the batteries had broken otu of the carriers and had falled over and were laying in water and no dout had shortened out, we droped anchor again, but we were now dead smack in the middle of the river ( not good ) we called the volinteer marine rescue and asked them for a tow and they said it was $220 an hr and it startes as soon as i log the call till i get back to my dask so you will be looking at 2.5hrs works..... i said i will get back to him. 2 mins later a boat went passe and we signaled them with a torch and they came over and we asked for a toe.... NO they said we are on our way home and we will see the water police after we put out boat on the trailer for you... asshoooooles. i ended up try to get a hold of brad to to see if he could give us a toe, evan though he had gone home ( sorry for waking you ) and i the mean time rob called the water police and arranged a toe. the police turned up 10 mins later, i notified brad that it was all good now, we dont need your help ( thanks so much for going to come down ) and we were on our way home. when we got back to the ramp the police officer took my details and i said to him we flaged down someone and they refused a toe. he said unless their boat is in danger, by law they have to give you a toe. their you go i didnt no that. i thanks they police officer so much and we put the boat back on the trailer.

what a desaster of a trip, hope to never have that happen again.

hear are some picks







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how man .. you had a shitter of a time. sorry to hear that . mate if you would of called 000 they would have to come out and find the guys (one time i was doing some work to me mate v8 fitting new speakers and readjusting the timing on it well some one call up the police cause the car us unrego and i moved it up and down the street i got charged for that. and the cops did not see me driving only went off the report of others

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how man .. you had a shitter of a time. sorry to hear that . mate if you would of called 000 they would have to come out and find the guys (one time i was doing some work to me mate v8 fitting new speakers and readjusting the timing on it well some one call up the police cause the car us unrego and i moved it up and down the street i got charged for that. and the cops did not see me driving only went off the report of others

true that... and i have evandece and other peole complained about it as well

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Hi mate

Sorry to hear your dilema, if I were you I would contact the commander of the cop that didn't help you and get his advice about why the policeman did not accept your complaint. Seems unreasonable to us it should stick out like a sore thumb to his commander.

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mate that sucks bigtime!! ive just posted your storie up on my face book , as this couldve been my wife driving home from work and your trailer puts her into a wall or tree with dire consequences all because of wankers like that, that shouldnt be given a licence in the first place, just because they can spell thier own names.. not to mention the life changeing events for both you and the family your trailer/ car couldve hit.

mate i sympathise with you on this as it has happen to me, and all i wanted to do was ram the ass of thier car and put them into the side drain. but then im the one in the shit..

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mate that sucks bigtime!! ive just posted your storie up on my face book , as this couldve been my wife driving home from work and your trailer puts her into a wall or tree with dire consequences all because of wankers like that, that shouldnt be given a licence in the first place, just because they can spell thier own names.. not to mention the life changeing events for both you and the family your trailer/ car couldve hit.

mate i sympathise with you on this as it has happen to me, and all i wanted to do was ram the ass of thier car and put them into the side drain. but then im the one in the shit..

thanks very much mate. yeh it sucks if we retaliate we are the bad one. it sucks that someone has to get hurt for something to be done

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man... I would have gone absolutely ballistic on those douches. Cops or no cops. No one throws stuff at me in my car. You're way calmer than me in that situation.

i would have love to teach them a lession, but i cant be violent in any way due to me having a pistol and rifle lic. police use these things agains you and its too hard to get them back...

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Mate that is bad luck. I had a similar situation where me and a few mates got jumped by about 20 young thugs, then the cops tried to charge us for it as we were all spitting blood in the garden and that was an offence. The kids sat accross the road laughing at us. WE tried to get charges pressed but police said not enogh evidence!

Anyway the main thing is you are safe and your boat is relativel safe, and you got some nice Jews!

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I just get the sh&$ts hearing of police to bloody lazy to do their jobs and fobbing work off, I was 18yrs in the job and couldnt stand working with them theres always one in every station, dont let it happen ring up their commander as someone else said, tell him your'e going to have the film on channel 7 and also take your complaint to the Ombudsmans office over no action or trying to get rid of it, most do their jobs professionally and they know who the idiots are who bludge causing them to have more work too. You'd be doing them a favour making the complaint...were not in the 60s and 70s still they are accountable.

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Mate after seeing your trailer and the boat Im just glad you didnt roll the bloody thing or send your boat skidding up 4 lanes of traffic. You cant bu8y commen sense otherwise Id get some of ebay and get it posted to the dickheads in the car and the cop who couldnt care less, what would happen to that cop the next day when he found out the same pair had killed someone and numerous complaints had been made..

As for the fishing it was the worst night id had for a while but its all good we'll be back into them soon enough and a goat trip inbetween should scratch the itch pretty well..

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It truely is a credit to you for trying to do it the right way but I can tell you mate NOONE would think any less of you if you did beat the piss out of them.

Hahaha you have a lot more restraint than me :silly:

Glad to see see some nice fish after all the BS



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Hey man the cops should be able to track them down pretty easy. I pused the vid and you can clearly see the number plate ABH-130 so unless the car was stolen they should get them.

( If they decide to try that is ) I am sure the idea of the media getting involved would prompt some action.

I should have stayed a bit longer, I new it I might have got my first jew and been able to a tow in

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Report it to the Police..... done

Report it your insurance company, tell them you have a Police report number, some video footage and will provide a statement. Let your insurance company persue the owner of the vehicle and recover their money from them. Its what you pay your premimums for.

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Report it to the Police..... done

Report it your insurance company, tell them you have a Police report number, some video footage and will provide a statement. Let your insurance company persue the owner of the vehicle and recover their money from them. Its what you pay your premimums for.

The insurance company will probably take one look at those pictures and realize the boat damage was done because the load/boat was unsecured while traveling which in reality is illegal and very dangerous.

If that boat had of rolled off the trailer and injured someone I think Kurt would end up in a legal nightmare all because of a bunch of mongrel hooligans.

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Hi Kurt,

Mongrels like this need to be caught, if someone died today... which sounds like it could so easily have happened... then there would be hell to pay. You showed a great deal of restraint not to let the rage sink in.

It's a shame you didn't film for longer (tricky while driving). But I managed to extract 1 decent frame from the end of the video, if you have an unmodified version direct from your camera I might be able to get something clearer. But I reckon you'd be able to identify the B$%$#ted if you knew him. Also the number plate could be either ASH 13U, or Maybe AGH 13U. I don't think it's ABH may have been modified.


Really hope these guys get what's coming to them. :evil:

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In sick to death of two things, young dead shits who think they own the roads, and coppers not doing there job to serve the public. How do we rectify the both of these problems? Beat the shit out of the prepubescents with my metal friend I have in the car. Lessons are best learnt, not told. Sorry to hear your troubles buddy. This way this world is coming sure is a disgrace. Just glad we can find the water to take away the stress

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Hi Kurt,

Mongrels like this need to be caught, if someone died today... which sounds like it could so easily have happened... then there would be hell to pay. You showed a great deal of restraint not to let the rage sink in.

It's a shame you didn't film for longer (tricky while driving). But I managed to extract 1 decent frame from the end of the video, if you have an unmodified version direct from your camera I might be able to get something clearer. But I reckon you'd be able to identify the B$%$#ted if you knew him. Also the number plate could be either ASH 13U, or Maybe AGH 13U. I don't think it's ABH may have been modified.


Really hope these guys get what's coming to them. :evil:

Mexican number plate too, by the looks of it! :P

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