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Hervey Bay Tuna HD Video :)


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What sort of Nordic rods are being used in the clip? They dont look very bent over in the clip, could be stiff rods or loose drags...

These are NS Favourite samples rating between 6-14lb to 8-20lb.

Not sure what you mean by bends as I saw a few good ones there :P !



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Great vid guys always good to hear the drag screaming, chasing the fish for that long up there i'm surprised you didn't get sharked.



a good while in to the fight we were thinking sharks may play a factor and at one point the Tuna hit the surface and there was heaps of spalshing in the water, we all thought shark !! but then it just started to peel line at high speed by this point we thought we may now be hooked to a shark but wasn't the case even in the underwater footage we can't see any damage to the Tuna so we are not sure what happened on the surface?

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