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Damn... What a day, I'm still gutted but getting over it..


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Ok, now I had an event full day on the water this past Sunday, I'm not sure if I am the unluckiest bugger or this sort of thing happens more often than it should on these beautiful weekend days on the water....

Now as I am relatively new to fishing outside please tell me if I did something wrong, or didn't do something I should have??

It all started out on the bait reef off the sand pumping jetty around 630-7am, it was quite busy when all of a sudden we started pulling up half baits, so I take a look on the sounder and see some big marks and consequently I drop a livey back over to see what happens. Well after about 10min off she goes and once I put some decent weight on well dear god hang on I'v hooked a steam train lol. I loose 200m in like 2 mins and so with great difficulty (considering my offsider is only 7yrs old) I take off after it to get some line back and also get off the bait reef and away from all the boats. Well some 15min later the fish surfaces some 100m away and splashes about just as a boat turns up and so at my disgust and disbelief he decides to head over for a look, I start yelling and waving at him to move off but it's too late he runs over my line and gets hooked up on the motor. Well a couple of very painful minutes later they manage to get free and move out of the way and so the fight continues but stuff me he starts drifting back so I'm yelling again only to hear "where the hell do you want me to go" and so gets hooked up yet again and to add insult to injury his passenger grabs a net and starts pushing and poking my line until well you can guess what happened. I'm so livered and considering I have a 7yr old on board I just spit it and motor off on disgust.

We throw some skirts on the 24's and do some trolling, writhin 5min my big outfit is screaming. I'm into it for maybe 2-3 mins, just enough time to turn its head and what happens??? A big ass cat goes roaring straight over the top, now in his defense it was about 100m away but he either spooked the fish into a lightening run or he picked up my line as line was stripped at an amazing speed for about 5sec and then nothing, rig gone.

So we throw skirts back in and troll for 30mins or so with no luck and decide to go chase some big reds, we pull up and start bringing the lines in and what happens??? Yep another boat roars past at 30-40knts maybe 40m off my stern, picks up 2 rods inc my big out fit, I try desperately to break the line before loosing too much but burn my thumbs and loose everything on both rods inc 500m of line on the bigger outfit. At this stage I am a broken man and simply sit on the floor wondering what the hell am doing there, i am supposed to be enjoying the out doors yet I am so angry. Note as I am new to this sort of fishing all my reels were only just spooled, new lures and rigs, wind on leaders, ball bearing swivels, everything new at huge cost.

I sulk for a few minutes before deciding to set an example for the young fella and soldier on. So we make our way to the reef in hunt of a big red, WELL we get 3 lines out on the drift, they are long rods all with brand new bright yellow braid hanging off the rear launches and some old couple decide to just cruise right on past 20m off the stern and give us a big old wave as they go past right over my lines..... How they didn't pick one up stuffed if I know but they stopped smiling when they got the evil look followed by the finger.

Damn what a day to forget, I think I will try to fish weekdays and shitty weekends from now on. Is this a common problem or did I just luck out with a bad day?? Or worse did I not follow some etiquette??

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That sucks mate. Weekdays you nearly own the spots, hardly anyone out there. On a weekend everywhere can become a carpark so you may have to fish to suit it. No balloons or atleast keep them short, shorter trolled lines. If there is higher drift and your lines are sitting up in the current put a bit more weight on them to get them down quicker, preventing someone from driving over them.

Congrats on all the good hookups but. There are a lot of people around who will be jealous, including me. With that many big hookups I would call in sick this week and give it another go

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Mate thats common everywhere. We just have to deal with it.

If you dont like fishing with crowds dont go places where everyone else goes.

I personally dont like fishing weekends. Too much crowd for me. Thats why i try fishing weekdays most of time.

I can just imagine Sunday lol. Saw the boats lining up Saturday arvo at the ramp. Saturday morning only 8 boats at the ramp 7 am. The little bit of forecasted wind scared most people away. Turned out to be a beautiful morning on the water.

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Mate thats shocking luck, i was out sunday as well lots of boats and a fair bit of current as well which would have put your baits right up.

Maybe this time of year people are not looking out for boats trolling lures like in the summer months but it you were playing the fish, but 100 mtrs away, difficult call.

Go fish in the week or pull a sicky,well thats not possible for 90 % of people so you have to do what you can.

A cat with something fish on the side came right up to the back of our boat and dropped baits and drifted of,quite rude.

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A mate condolence, the problem is that a lot of boat owners don't really know what they are doing and as Ryan said have no etiquette. Weekends are a battle around here on the water.

It definitely sounds like you’re on a winner with the fishing though! B)

Maybe buy yourself an air horn, much easier for other boats to hear then trying to yell over a body of water? Give them a toot ;)


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Really calm weekends it gets like that the best you can do is pick up your rod while shouting out to them and point in the direction of the line this works sometimes the only other way is to motor quickly over on top of the fish so they can't cut you off and tell them to nick off

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sorry to ar buddy, i had the same issue on sunday, theres a whole river and people felt the need to show me how fast thier boat can go 10-20m off my front.

and then the boat ramp, well thats another story wiothin itself. no patience, they come in to the pontoon and run thier boat right up to the front and then get out and go and get thier trailer, whilst there are 2 other cars waiting to launch off, so for the min experience people launching the boat you have to try and get it around thier parked one. people are just morons here.

i can usually reverse my trailer straight down quite quickly, but not confident on driving it up onto the trailer as yet, so i pull it up, and you have people trying to race you down the ramp, or pull thier boat out and start to lock everything down 5 metres off the ramp so you cant get out ect.. should be a law to fine stupid people at boat ramps!

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That is some bad luck, Has never happened to me, but then again... I am luck enough to only have to fish 1 or 2 weekends a year to take out mates who cant come mid week.

The good thing is, you hooked some monsters! well done, head out next time its a bit overcast or blowing 15 knots and you will have some great fish flipping around on the deck

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This happend to me when i was trolling at mermaid, a guy drove straight across the back of me a picked up one of my lines and kept going, then i came across him anchored up at palmy and drove over and asked for my new lure back, he looked at me blank, i said lift your engine and give me my lure back, he did and to his suprise there was my braid, i got my leader rig and lure back and left him getting the braid from his prop.

The air horn is a good idea, i like it.

I just buy cheap ebay braid for trolling for that reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your thoughts guys, i must say it has thrown me a bit but when i get back into the water i will be a bit wiser from this, and maybe a little less tolerant to stupidity lol. Should just screamed the rubber necker away right at the start. You know i have always been an understanding sort of fella and tolerant to people making mistakes but i must say when it costs you money and big fish, well my tolerance is now in much less supply.

@ sehrguht, mate not sure exactly but although i have not yet caught one i believe the first one was a big cobia?? It was supa strong, darted left right, and eventually started breaking the water same way off.

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