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tilapia in fresh water (invasive species)

Tuna are fish

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as far as im aware you are not allowed to transport them (which would incude using as bait). the only thing you can do with them is kill them and throw away or bury far enough away from the water.

you can read more here https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/1238076/tilapia.pdf

this is a snippet of the above

Tilapia are a category 3, 5, 6 and 7 restricted invasive fish under the Biosecurity Act 2014 (the Act). They must not be kept, fed, given away, sold, or released into the environment. A permit to deal with tilapia maybe given in limited circumstances. If caught, tilapia must be humanely destroyed immediately and disposed of as soon as practicable by burying a suitable distance from the waterway where it was caught or placing it in a rubbish bin. The Act requires everyone to take all reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks associated with invasive fish under their control. This is called a general biosecurity obligation (GBO). This fact sheet gives examples of how you can meet your GBO. There have been isolated reports of people keeping and/or moving tilapia around the State – this is an offence and the fish must be destroyed.

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21 hours ago, Jono4500 said:

It's a shame your not supposed eat them. I had a south African bloke at npd telling me they were farmed over there and a sought after catch. Good fun on my light bass gear.

it is a bit. it is the worlds second most farmed fish due to their great nutritional content. However the damage they are capable of in Australia far out weighs the nutritional benefits. If we allow them to be eaten, more people will ant to farm them and stock them which would have a disastrous impact on our local fish species


wicked fun to catch though, easy to target and pull hard on light gear. used to catch 50-100 at a time at Pine rivers park years ago, we even had a social there with this forum 

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On 11/03/2021 at 6:45 AM, AUS-BNE-FISHO said:

Hey @Tuna are fish

Yes, like Christ said, you cannot transport, use them for bait, or do anything apart from bin or burry them. 

I've seen some in a little storm creek beside my school too! Now I'm tempted to go a catch them out of it 😉 

Cheers Hamish

I knew we had some important people on our forum but now it’s at another level entirely. 

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3 minutes ago, christophagus said:

Oh yeah my part time job is lord and savior to all of mankind. If you could just place your donations in the bowls and pass them to me that would be much appreciated. Oh and ill put in a good word for you at the pearly gates. 

I think I'm going the other way so I'll pass on the donation.🤣

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On 17/03/2021 at 9:16 AM, Licespray said:

Don’t suppose anyone can share some tilapia sites where I can practice fly fishing for them? (Where they’re visible etc)

OzFish are sponsoring the Logan Pest Cup.

The main focus will be Tilapia as there are not many Carp there. 

Here is a link to the event page on Facebook. 


But it seems it is now full!!!!

What a reaction. Seems the stupid covid thingo has restricted numbers. POOP. 

Next year we should all enter it!!!! 

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On 09/03/2021 at 12:20 PM, christophagus said:

as far as im aware you are not allowed to transport them (which would incude using as bait). the only thing you can do with them is kill them and throw away or bury far enough away from the water.

you can read more here https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/1238076/tilapia.pdf

this is a snippet of the above

Tilapia are a category 3, 5, 6 and 7 restricted invasive fish under the Biosecurity Act 2014 (the Act). They must not be kept, fed, given away, sold, or released into the environment. A permit to deal with tilapia maybe given in limited circumstances. If caught, tilapia must be humanely destroyed immediately and disposed of as soon as practicable by burying a suitable distance from the waterway where it was caught or placing it in a rubbish bin. The Act requires everyone to take all reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks associated with invasive fish under their control. This is called a general biosecurity obligation (GBO). This fact sheet gives examples of how you can meet your GBO. There have been isolated reports of people keeping and/or moving tilapia around the State – this is an offence and the fish must be destroyed.

thanks, i had no idea lucky i do kill with a brain spike and burying them away form the lake

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7 hours ago, Licespray said:

As a collective team or individual? We could have our own Australiafishing tilapia comp on a small scale, very simple prizes etc. Could try and organise something I just need to get a bit ahead in my schedule first. Turns out our April holidays got cancelled so now no 2 weeks off. Bleh.

Sounds like great fun. Providing they are everywhere I'd imagine they'd be easy enough to catch too!

Good idea!

Cheers Hamish

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On 17/03/2021 at 9:16 AM, Licespray said:

Don’t suppose anyone can share some tilapia sites where I can practice fly fishing for them? (Where they’re visible etc)

You may fish for them this coming Saturday at the Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens.  It is the first time access to the Gardens has been given for such an event.  I volunteer at the Gardens and hope it is a success.  https://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=192348597579288&story_fbid=1899842003496597

I tried fishing at the last Tilapia Busters comp and spent the whole day catching nothing and losing over $15.00 in bait and gear!  I could see the fish right in front of me with the live worm wriggling at it's nose and it just looked at it and carried on patrolling it's nest!

Hope you have better luck than I did.

Contact the tilapia busters guys - they will be able to give you some locations.

Cheers Kat


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