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would u eat em?

James W

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most of you guys n gals would reconise this place...its the poo pipe at the mouth of the brissy river..these guys were catching eels in the poo pipe itself...good size eels too but i dont know , well i do know i wouldnt be eating these eels!..these guys say that they do!...hmmm..would you?:dry: [img size=320]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC00179.jpg


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Doubt the eels would have any toxins from effluent.

wouldnt eat em anyway unless of course I was hard up for a feed.

The bad toxins are heavy metals and some hydrophobic toxins that reside in the fat of fish.

So it would be an interesting study to actually test those eels just to see if there is any adverse toxins in them.

Since the eels live there they could accumulate toxins over time.

Stranger things have occured, so no I wouldnt be so trusting.


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yer i know they head out to sea to breed..but i think they die once they spawn..so they must get in there from a creek near the sewage plant...mite google earth it and see if there is a creek up there...and what do they eat???...good question...never seen fish in there..reckon shrimp would live in there too?...

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hay all

when i was living at bamaga we used to go fishing for butter fish

butter fish are the most sweetest awesome tasting fish with relatively no bones i absolutely love them the only drawback is the best place to catch the little buggers is just after the ships grop their poo tanks as they love to eat it

oh well its not like the poo is filtered by their flesh so yeah i would definately eat fish that eat poo

maybe not eel as roll mops are horrible

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Schultzy wrote:

jimmybob wrote:
i wouldnt be eating these eels!..would you?:dry:

Hell yeah!

Push a cricket stump into their mouth. Dip them in batter, deep fry, dip into tomato sauce and viola!

A king sized Dagwood Dog!

Wonder how they'd sell at the Ekka? [img size=322]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/dagwood.jpg

is this one of your famous eel recipes neil! rofl, i will never look at a dagwood dog the same! (my heart is very thankful) i guess its back to eating the trawler special and chips when i go to willowbank :(

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