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should be baglimits on all fish


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was fishin the other week at bribie surf side

these blokes were doing well,

caught 40 plus good sand whiting

but to me and my misses seems overkill

i reckon 10 each be plenty, this is one reason why

theres bugger all whiting around a few areas, redclife is one:dry:

i reckon that all fish should have a baglimit:cheer:

including sand crabs etc

to protect future stocks, :)

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Shrimpo wrote:

Tell me about it...
myself, i believe the bay and surrounding rivers should be yellow zones, those guys are not the 1's catching tonnes of fish, i mean tonnes, lets wait and see what happens to the bay and surrounding areas in 12 months, after these new zoning plans are in affect.if you notice where the green zones are in the bay at all, and take note of where the trawlers work next time your in or near the bay, look this could go this way and that way forever, but i'd like to see the whole moreton bay marine park a yellow zone.
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at the end of the day,if these guys had 40 or 400 whiting, not breaking any laws, who are we to judge. i believe there should be a limit on threadies too, but it's open slather on them, from memory, i will only take 1 now. and 1 for me mate, 1 for his sister,1 for his parents, 1 for my neighbour.. who knows in 10 years time, we might be spending 50k for no fish at all, so get em while you can i say, as long as no rules are broken. :re bag limits

MOD NOTE - noname is being sarcastic - he doesn't really mean this literally;):blink:

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about twelve months ago or so

they impossed bag limits on a few more defferent species, and increased sizes on certain fish

ie: whiting was 21cm now 23cm

tho probably about 25% of fish no bag limit :unsure:

have our lips glued to captain bligh's arse:kiss:

or one of her cronnies, bugger this green zone

stuff should be bugger all take or no take

about have fun, not floggin the fork outta the jiont:)

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flatty_catcher wrote:

Dont know why all havnt got bag limits.

might only take a bit of action to do so, a letter or somthing maybe a partition.

sounds good, SEQ is under a big population pressure,

how to deal with this???

does anyone know?


f/c i don't think any body knows, everybody has opinions, god knows i have mine, i base my opinions on what fishing i have done over the last 25 years, and with who i have fished with, some have done the right thing and some, well just say they don't anymore. it's a fine balance, but where the point of no return is anybody's guess, it would be a sad day if it got anywhere near as bad as japan, 0 fish.
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All the scientific studies agree that the biggest detrimental factor on aquatic life is run off and pollution from land based sources. Yellow, green and other pretty colour zones do not make a big difference based on rec fishing. I would rather see eco friendly zones, ie no barbs, lead free, catch and release only, etc. The rare time i get to go out in the bay i have more than two rods rigged and ready to go. Tuna slugs, snapper plastics, bait, 3 kilo bream/live bait and popper/trolling outfit.

Trawling can do savage damage to an area, but forward thinking gov't basing their findings on evidence rather than public opinion can improve fishing without making large areas off limits. Artificial reefs should be huge. But the largest contributors to Moreton Bay's sustainability are left untouched as business and home owners are a powerful political force, as well as financial drain in the courts.

Closing off areas puts more pressure on what is left open. Moreton Bay is not the GBR, these parks with their invisible on water lines and regulations will frustrate the casual Bay user most and hurt people who try do the right thing most. At best this is a band aid policy in my opinion and will hurt those who have most to gain from an open Bay. I so hope i am wrong, but after being an avid reader of Australian fishing magazines for a few years, the best thing always seems to be banning commercial fishing.

Like driving, i think education is the best method. Sorry to be so serious, but it bugs me that politicians chase votes rather than effective measures.

And now for something completely different!

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Mak wrote:

:) yeah true

but theres a few wallys out there

floggin the fork out of fish too

better not say what nationality either lol:cheer:

the me no english type lol:dry:

and i recken whiting bream 10 per person is plenty

Yeah mate, and then when I go fishing by myself I can bring 10 little whiting home to feed a family of 5:blink: Bugger it, why dont I just buy a box frozen fishfingers and be done with it? Who needs fresh fish anyways?:huh:


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just curious, whats the bag limit per boat ! eg

1 boat with 2 people

both get 5 snapper each

both get 5 pearlies each

both get parrot etc etc.

these 2 guys end up with say 9 species of fish each. must have been a good day for fishing that day:ohmy: .now this is just an EXAMPLE people. is there a limit as to what they can take in this example

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noname wrote:

just curious, whats the bag limit per boat ! eg

1 boat with 2 people

both get 5 snapper each

both get 5 pearlies each

both get parrot etc etc.

these 2 guys end up with say 9 species of fish each. must have been a good day for fishing that day .now this is just an EXAMPLE people. is there a limit as to what they can take in this example

There is a 20 per person limit on coral reef fin fish (on top of the idividual bag limits)


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Mak wrote:

:) i'll be happy when they bring in tough bag limits

per person is fine

gotta happen :cheer:

too many fishing now in south east

i don't know what sort of fishing you do, but hear me out. when offshore fishing a lot of fish get upsized, with a lot of people doing this as they only want to keep the larger of the species, i try and release the smaller 1's with a hook and weight attached to a line, i don't know if it's a 10% or 80% survival rate? but trying my best to give the fish a good chance to survive. i believe a boat limit of 5 fish per person per boat would be a good start.but you still have the problem of people upsizing again, so what do you do, how do you police the problems?? hard call. but you can only do what ya can
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Cowfish13 wrote:

noname wrote:
just curious, whats the bag limit per boat ! eg

1 boat with 2 people

both get 5 snapper each

both get 5 pearlies each

both get parrot etc etc.

these 2 guys end up with say 9 species of fish each. must have been a good day for fishing that day .now this is just an EXAMPLE people. is there a limit as to what they can take in this example

There is a 20 per person limit on coral reef fin fish (on top of the idividual bag limits)


got it in 1. a bit excessive don't ya think although how offen do you have a day's fishing like that
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The offshore fishing is a bit different to the inshore. The actual number of days in a year that most people can get all the stars to line up is a self limiting phenomena.

How often do the majority of offshore boaters have weather, wife, decky, payday, free-time, and so on and so on happen at the right time. Most of the fellas I know spend more time whinging about how much money they've got tied up sitting in the yard.

So with that in mind 20 per person is a pretty viable number. Natural selection would account for far more than are ever caught, even allowing for the dirty rotten scoundrels that taint the reputation of the recs in general.

That's my thoughts on that one.

I don't think there are too many fishing in the SE either. Maybe in some places in the SE, but not overall. The DPI stats/statements support this opinion - Recreational fishing has a benign effect on fish stocks. I wont post a link for 2 reasons -

1. I can't be bothered looking it up again;

2. If you go hunting for it, by the time you find it you may have done some accidental research that will either support or blow away your opinion.

20% of the budget for the enforcers is spent on enforcement action; the remainder is bureaucracy. I don't believe the government can justify that being called anything but lip service. Once we start drinking the biowaste etc the bay will be so clean the fish will be jumping onto the beaches chasing us :whistle:

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well its an interesting thought this about bag limits and all. Personally doesn't really affect me as i never catch enough fish to reach my bag limit :P but on a serious note, I suppose its not just a question of if the bag limits should be lowered but also how is it going to be enforced? best way is for us to do the right thing and teach others around us the right way. There will always be people who bend/break the rules, just hope that the people doing the right things will out number them...

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i love it when these threads come up ,and its pretty regular on the forum

everyone gets all up in arms and has a rant

and puts forth thier mostly uninformed oppinions

start disputes and alienate others for having a different opinion.

if you really care why dont you do something about it like signing up to be a fishcare volunteer there by receving a uniform, id,support literature and a mandate to educate those who are doing the wrong thing

insted of sitting on your arse winging about it

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jeff f wrote:

i love it when these threads come up ,and its pretty regular on the forum

everyone gets all up in arms and has a rant

and puts forth thier mostly uninformed oppinions

start disputes and alienate others for having a different opinion.

if you really care why dont you do something about it like signing up to be a fishcare volunteer there by receving a uniform, id,support literature and a mandate to educate those who are doing the wrong thing

insted of sitting on your arse winging about it

nice one jeff, i usually stay away from these sorta threads as its always just the same, the ethnics take to many fish etc. and then finishes with and arguement on who's right and who's wrong. yet i think your post has hit the nail on the head.

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i think that healthy debate should always have its place on the site. i'm encouraged that the latest generation of fisherpeople consider catch and release a viable and enjoyable way to fish. if the dpi believes recreational fishing has no effect on fish populations then why the re-zoning and bans on recreational fishing in moreton bay? bit of a contradiction...

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Not a big believer in lowering bag limits across the board,

remembering that 10% of rec fisherpersons catch 90% of the fish,not meaning to be derogatory,but the average mum,dad and kids fishing, are bait danglers not anglers.

Legal size increases for your estuary and coastal bread and butter species would be a positive.

A REAL government buy back of netters licences,that does reduce the gross take of fish stocks.

For eg.the last couple of sea mullet seasons have been very poor,I am sure that`s not because rec fishers have been out there catching them with hook,line and sinkers.

This is a complex problem,that requires governments along the east coast,to work together with proven facts for real solutions and not guided by self interest groups or political interests.

Just an opinion

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roobs wrote:

i think that healthy debate should always have its place on the site. i'm encouraged that the latest generation of fisherpeople consider catch and release a viable and enjoyable way to fish. if the dpi believes recreational fishing has no effect on fish populations then why the re-zoning and bans on recreational fishing in moreton bay? bit of a contradiction...

Simple answer to that one - the DPI are the Fisheries managers of the state.

The rezoning was done by the EPA - the mamby pamby feel good face of the underlying radical green intruders set to work by a government that needed to pay back preference deals.

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thats it exactly i have seen fish taken over moreton island for 30 years by the nets and its just horrible thing to see take all like mullet ,tailor,

whiting,dart,even biddies a little herring thats is caught for crab bait or they sell them to to feed dolphins in the water parks

no wonder there are less fish around to catch:angry:

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rexy wrote:

thats it exactly i have seen fish taken over moreton island for 30 years by the nets and its just horrible thing to see take all like mullet ,tailor,

whiting,dart,even biddies a little herring thats is caught for crab bait or they sell them to to feed dolphins in the water parks

no wonder there are less fish around to catch:angry:

ahh finally, someone gets it.
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Don't usually have a lot to say on these forums but bag limits is probably one of the things that really @#%$$% me off. IMHO any individual that ends up with more than four fish in possession after a days fishing is a totally selfish and arrogant scumbag. I grew up fishing freshwater in the UK, now I know its hard to compare fishing there with what goes on here but imagine. On ANY day there would be at least One million people fishing there. Its not that big an area. 99.9% of fish are released. Ok I know they're mostly not considered eating fish but thats not the point. If you love the sport you need to believe the fish will be there when you want to fish. Me and another guy one day threw an asian blokes entire catch (two bucketfulls of undersize fish) back in the Brisbane river one day and when he (the asian guy) argued he went in also. I have fished for over forty years and reckon I would have kept a dozen fish to eat in that time. I don't have a problem with anyone taking the odd fish but fellas if things don't change soon there will come a time when there's none left to catch never mind take. The future of this sport is in OUR hands, not the governments.

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Wow tater what a great first post. :blink:

So you are a vigilante law enforcement officer who decides to throw someones catch in the water because they are breaking the law then assualts them because they were upset. Makes sense to you huh?

I have 4 adults and 2 kids live in my house so usually keep 6 fish because that is roughly what it takes to make a feed, sometimes up to 20 which will be 3 feeds. This makes me a totally selffish arrogant scumbag does it?

Hopefully you might find me one day and try and throw me in because I keep too many fish.

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whats happening right now in this thread is what i was saying. everyone pretty much has the same opinion just there own variation and throwing other little matters in with it. from reading the posts the majority seems to agree that bag limits are needed/revised is some cases. netting sucks arse and so does taking under size fish.

as for pushing people in the water well if he had of hit his head and drowned you would be up for murder. If you are that passionate about it i recommend jeffs idea in joing the voluntary fish thing and educate people when you go fishing. if there doin the wrong thing some photos of the catch with the people and maybe a car rego as well so they can track the person sent to fisheries might help and you wont need to get physical aint worth it, how many people fish with knives and with mates? not worth getting hurt or ending up dead.

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tater wrote:

Don't usually have a lot to say on these forums but bag limits is probably one of the things that really @#%$$% me off. IMHO any individual that ends up with more than four fish in possession after a days fishing is a totally selfish and arrogant scumbag. I grew up fishing freshwater in the UK, now I know its hard to compare fishing there with what goes on here but imagine. On ANY day there would be at least One million people fishing there. Its not that big an area. 99.9% of fish are released. Ok I know they're mostly not considered eating fish but thats not the point. If you love the sport you need to believe the fish will be there when you want to fish. Me and another guy one day threw an asian blokes entire catch (two bucketfulls of undersize fish) back in the Brisbane river one day and when he (the asian guy) argued he went in also. I have fished for over forty years and reckon I would have kept a dozen fish to eat in that time. I don't have a problem with anyone taking the odd fish but fellas if things don't change soon there will come a time when there's none left to catch never mind take. The future of this sport is in OUR hands, not the governments.

what a hero

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