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courier mail..oil spill bill-we dont care

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Did anyone read the article this morning on the Swire Group Shipping Company baulking on the 34 million clean up costs for the Moreton Bay oil spill?. Sir John Swire, the owner of the company..is not interested at all and is shrugging off the responsibility of the bill.. :angry:

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the insurance company is only required to pay 20 million according to international maritime law...any extra owing comes to down to Swire's image as a good corporate citizen..he isnt interested. Looks like australian taxpayers will have to foot the bill...according to the Courier Mail.

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noname wrote:

i agree with feral! the ship should have stayed put until the bill was paid in full. thats bligh for ya! who the hell voted for her anyway? not bloody me! pfft it's only 14 million anyway, thats nothin today. pricks!

swires has a bird bath worth that, with its own staff

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Yep! called capitalism and the trickle down theory! Works in the main, but has a definite evil side!

Despite the gloss and glamour and spin doctors, many large companies still operate along the same lines when you cut to the chase. Look at BHP in New Guinea, Coke, Nestle and Union Carbide in India, the list is long, and we are at the very mild end of being "done over". Although we probably will squeal louder as we take offence as a "first world country" getting done over is just not the "done thing" its alright for them to do over the third world, but not us!

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Be interesting to see if her ladyship instucts someone to nail a notice of seizure on the mast of the next Swire owned vessel to dock in port with the vessel to be refused a departure permit until the money matter is settled. That would called a yorker in the auld game old chap!!! Not the done thing by golly gosh, what ??? :cheer: Ian

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She doesn't need to sell anything else Ray.I read that she spent 1.5 million acquiring a house worth 285,000.Maybe we should have our pollies take a management course but i'm sure they've already thought of that and we have already paid for it.It should be passed as law that these pollies must keep their pre election promises or they can have a double dissolution election.Keep the ba$#ards honest I say.It's funny that she initially barked that she would chase the money until someone learned let her know she was chasing shadows with no chance of a positive outcome.Pretty much sums up her abilities.


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At least we have come out of it with new arti reefs that from what mates have been catching there have been good hauls of excellent snapper and pearlies and two amberjack so far.

As far as the bill goes, max liability they can be forced to pay is 20 mil beyond that is open for contention as to who foots that part.

If, however they deliberately did go out with the intent on damage they could be forced to pay all costs. They did not go out with that intent. They did not break any laws or ignore any bans on shipping that morning.

Ships often work right through cyclones and hurricanes and all sorts of bad weather as part of thier daily routines. The media bandwagon will ride this to wring as much sensation from it as possible for thier pockets only, they will not benefit you or I with thier intent or persuasion.


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Fair points.I just find it ironic that we have had restrictions placed on fishos etc in the bay yet they(the government) didn't show the foresight to consult the federal government so that restrictions could also be placed on shipping channels or at the very least stop them from travelling through there when there is a cyclone.Just because other nations don't always place restrictions on when and where to travel,doesn't mean that we have to accept those same conditions.

A good example could be the Brisbane river.Many years ago,it was almost anything goes with pollutants in the waterways,yet changes were made for the better and today we are reaping those fishy rewards.We took measures back then to ensure we don't have waterways like the ganges river system.

At the very least,travel conditions should be reviewed(and changed) in light of what has happened.


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