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Beautiful weather, beautiful fish


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Headed out again today with ex-member Kevin Chen into a beautiful morning, sun was warm and wind was notable by it's absence which i was ecstatic about after yesterdays shenanigans.

We were aiming to get into some threadfin and test a home-made jackall tranzam type lure that was made by another fella.

We did a few drifts around the usual pipeline, concentrating at first around the wharf section. Plenty of hits were got by both Kevin and I, however Kev kept getting busted off (he hooked a really REALLY solid snapper that did him on the first run, but the headshakes were insane) and I couldn't convert any hits to hookups. A few more drifts around these wharves and we decided to head back out to the dropoff.

A few casts in and kev gets a tap tap on the homemade jackall, strikes hard and he's on. This fish is solid as and went on some very powerful runs, kevs little bass setup was absolutely screaming as you'll see in the video footage I took. eventually the fish is boated and its a solid threadfin at 121cm. Regrettably this fish did not release, we popped the bladder and swam it around but it kept surfacing and would not kick off, most likely a result of the relatively light gear.




Note the homemade tranzam in his gob :D

We saw rob (noname) BMX and straddiebrad and donated the fish to them, as we were not intending to keep any threadies and only had a small esky. Hope you enjoy the fillets guys.

After this excitement it was my turn, literally the next cast my lure got hit while freespooling on the drop. I saw my line skipp across the surface so struck hard and set the hooks, this fish was also very solid fighting well but i got it in quicker as i was using heavier baitcasting tackle. My threadfin measured in at 118cm and my PB on a lure, he fought really really well and actually busted the back treble off my tranzam (jackall version not homemade) at the wire, so i was pretty lucky to get her up. This fish swam off and stayed down thankfully.



After these two fish we moved around a bit in search of some snapper etc. We ended up near the caltex wharf where kev pulled a decent cod around 50cm


And then back to the pipeline area to see if the snapper/jewies/whatever were playing at the bottom of the tide. They weren't, but Kev did manage another threadfin at 110cm :D Fish was released without the need to pop the bladder.


And I also boated this 42cm tailor


Kev got into some squid action somehow:


Here is the homemade jackall and a real one, note the busted wire on the real one:


A few more drifts for the next hour or so and we ran into Lee and Terry also trying for some threadies. We also ran into shane (dragons7) and his mate fishing landbased and had a yarn, tried to get his jackall back from the fence it was wrapped around but after reading the high voltage sign we decided poking a graphite rod up there was a pretty bad idea :blink:

It got fairly quiet and we decided to cruise back in to the setting sun on a glassed out river, after a great days fishing with some nice fish boated and a homemade lure proven.

Thanks for reading,


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Hey Dan, that was me and Mrs Scaley with the front row seat for your first 2 threadies. Enjoyed the show. Mrs Scaley has never been in the river before so we were just having a quiet fish with some servo bait. Not much luck, just a couple of small tailor, 2 soul and a pike for the day. Thought we were onto a big threadie as well, but turned out to be the biggest ray I have seen in the river. Tried Clara Rocks on the way in, but no luck there either. Great day out though. Looking forward to your video.

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cheers fellas. Good to see ya old scaley sorry i didnt motor over and have a chat i was in fishing mode which means i can concentrate on nothing but my next cast. had to get on the scoreboard after kevs first cracking fish haha

we thought you hooked up to a thready too, bad luck it was a stingray mate but they still provide a good fight anyway so no dramas

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nadders wrote:

cheers fellas. Good to see ya old scaley sorry i didnt motor over and have a chat i was in fishing mode which means i can concentrate on nothing but my next cast. had to get on the scoreboard after kevs first cracking fish haha

we thought you hooked up to a thready too, bad luck it was a stingray mate but they still provide a good fight anyway so no dramas

Understand what you are saying Dan - you gotta take advantage of every minute when the conditions are that good. I thought you might think we were trying to move in on your spot at one point, but I was just drifting after having to pull up the anchor cos the big ray got himself tangled up in the anchor rope. Lucky those port guys were friendly. I need to get myself an electric so I can go without the anchor.
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yeah haha your 125 on that gear was a serious effort mate kevs first fish today was a similar length fight. Sorry about today shane i didn't mean to dick you around but i had organised this trip with kev last week and wasn't sure if it was going ahead or not. But we will crack on to a few next week mate and get some good footage for your mates DVD

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guys, if you are planning on catching big fish up your gear. you have killed a breeding fish simply by targeting it on the wrong gear. you can't tell me you were targeting bream and snapper and the threadys got in the way... up your gear so you can release the fish unharmed.

i don't mind people keeping fish to eat within the bounds of the law but when you manage to kill a fish needlessly when you want to C&R just by using the wrong gear is just needless slaughter.

nice egg by the way chen....

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i dont believe benno or the report said it was caught in deep water.

Benno's comment was based on the fact in the main report and i quote

"Regrettably this fish did not release, we popped the bladder and swam it around but it kept surfacing and would not kick off, most likely a result of the relatively light gear."

What is deep water? As you said facts before attacks

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cheers everyone, ben we did up the gear mate you will notice in the second vid kevin has upped his leader to 40lb, i was using 40lb all day. His drag was not light, it was about as much pressure as i'd be using with 20lb main/40lb leader unless i had to skull drag for some reason. He had 10lb gear but the fight wasn't extremely drawn out because of it, it would have taken a lot longer to bring her up if he was messing around with tiny drag pressure.

you can see this if you watch the vid, if his drag was pathetic then he would barely be able to get any line on the fish, as it is he was pulling the fish up quite effectively.

also, kevins gear there is way heavier than you would target bream or small squire with.

both kevin and myself are very conscious of conservation, alot of people would not have tried to release her in the first place :)

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deep water is correct, the majority of the fight was slugged out in 15-16m of water. some of these big girls will more or less hug the bottom down there, it is not what any of us wants or intend but sometimes its unavoidable. Luckily it is far more common for them to swim away fine

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I've never had a problem releasing them. In 15m of water.... I keep one, the rest get released. Threadfin don't go that hard. They can be released as well as any other fish in the sea if not gut hooked. They go belly up in 3ft of water if you fight them for too long, we used to catch them when whiting fishing in Gladstone on occasion and they would always cark it before being landed. If you don't want to catch them, don't fish where they are. They won't be found in heavy structure...

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benno573 wrote:

I've never had a problem releasing them. In 15m of water.... I keep one, the rest get released. Threadfin don't go that hard. They can be released as well as any other fish in the sea if not gut hooked. They go belly up in 3ft of water if you fight them for too long, we used to catch them when whiting fishing in Gladstone on occasion and they would always cark it before being landed. If you don't want to catch them, don't fish where they are. They won't be found in heavy structure...

Great fish nadders and kev keep it up. Super impressive that homemade lure.

Hahahaha benno.. They do turn up around heavy structure on occasions. I caught an 80cm thready around heavy structure targeting bream once. On 6lb sunline super PE braid, very thin and light line. The fight was long but the fish did not go deeper than 2m the whole fight. Came up fresh as and released very well after a quick photo.. As for them not going that hard.. thats abit of a joke, I targeted them in shallow water on my baitcaster, 20lb braid and 60lb leader with almost locked drag.. nearly got the rod ripped out of my hands and was amazed by the strength and speed of that fish.. only 87cm but went incredibly hard. Read in many mags that people up north rate them above barra as a sportfish.

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no problem rob brad and BMX, have you guys cooked some up yet?

if i were you i would save the rib section for a fish soup, its alot of effort trying to get meat off the ribs and that section makes a great soup. i'll ask dad for his recipe one day and see if i can replicate and post it up

ben, you just said you keep one, the rest get released...thats more or less what happened, only we didn't wish to keep one.

all points have been covered so im not going to argue further, i understand you're looking out for the future of these fish but believe me mate we are not the people you need to be worried about, we share the same views as you do brother



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good fish dan..you and ya mate went well. i guess everyone who knows ya can vouch that your a fish conservationist at heart. how many threadies have you released unharmed now? i've seen ya release fish..good pan eating ones too. your not the first guys to see a threadie cark it and wont be the last. mate great report..good reading i'm off to watch the vid :P

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thanks john, the only ones i keep are ones that won't for one reason or another swim away. i much prefer to keep a snapper or flatty here and there for dinner, though i am a bit soft and often end up letting everything go cause i put pretty strict size limits on myself lol.. not too big, not too small, gotta be just right but rarely ends up that way haha :dry:

actually i may be assisting with some tagging for research on the threadies, i have been talking to Brad really want to be able to do something so we can learn more about them, also maybe make the dpi see sense that nobody needs to keep 5 threadies and rework the limits or something. but thats a whole other can of worms which i'm not going to open in my own report haha

hope you like the vid, how did the cobia chase go or have you not gone yet?

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went early to the 4 beacons and got belted by the weather. so we eased back to mud where we managed a snap and a good flattie that we released. had a complete turn around as we ended up going to SP's for the whole day. caught heaps of undersized stuff..brim are about but apparently the netters gave mud a hit and the numbers and size are well down. as the day got on the weather flattened the bay into a duck pond. got checked out by the local cops on the water again. we're on first name terms with some of them now lol that's how often we get stopped..true :P had a good chat this time they liked the bandit asked me where i bought it :ohmy: you can guess the answer :woohoo: i asked em if they ever fancied a troll while they were out or hiding behind a rock with a handline..they broke up laughing..if only one said..we'd get dogged if we did lol. they gave me another bit of info..if ya driftin as we were on dusk..ya gotta have the red and green on and the all round light..coz ya deemed underway..ay..i can't get it right can i lol :side: they were good but

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