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kookaburra park friday morning

jeff f

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hit the water at 4;00am and there were heaps of large mullet down on the bend we had three over 30cm jump in the boat as we were running down to the pontoon including one that went 40cm hit my mate john in the back of the neck at full steam ahead and nearly knocked him out of the front seat:lol:

took about a half an hour to get 2 dozen liveys then we dropped anchor on the chanel edge and started fishing.

i thought id try a live bony bream unweighted on my 3kg spinning gear and one on the bottom ono the 6kg baitcaster, john put out 2 larger liveys on the bottom on 6kg baitrunners and we settled in to have a cuppa and a smoke till something happened.didn't take long only about 5 minutes i had a huge surface take on the unweighted bait. i palmed the spool and set the hook expecting the usual little bully when a beautiful gold thready hits the surface and tailwalks in the rising sun, :woohoo: what a sight absolutly beautiful.this fish gave me the best fight i've had in ages, on 3kg took a good 10minutes + to get it to the boat wich it didn't like the look of and pissed off at high speed. took about 3 more minutes to get it back to the boat and john missed it with the net nad scared it off again, another minute or so and it was in the net, beautiful.115cm.

things were pretty quiet for the next couple of hours plenty of runs but no hookups till about 6:30 when john got a nice little bully then another hour after that i started getting runs on my bottom rig but when i started wqinding in there'd be no weight till you had it back to the boat then it would go crazy and tear off and drop the bait. i changed to a smaller sized livey after the 3rd time this happened then it happened again but this time the hook stuck and i landed a 55cm thready . went home at 9:00 am.

great morning no pike eels no catfish lost plenty of baits to crabs as usual.pics to follow if they'll load.

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rayke1938 wrote:

I am P!ssed was wanting to go to Kooka and ended at Albert instead. What a beauty.


Now Ray you can't blame me :P

Wow Jeff - how good is that fish - I gotta get up there one day, well done mate. It sounds like a ripper of a fight, tail walking and stuff. Good on ya.

Post edited by: Brian D, at: 2007/03/17 07:20

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Oztrav wrote:

nice work exellent gezz 10mins you would of had to of sparked up another one was that up on the bend?

yeah mate we were anchored right on the upstream end of the deeper trench on the inside of the bend. it was a huge tide and there was a lot of turbulence as the current pushed out of the deeper water. the water was the clearest i've seen it up there.the tide was so big i pushed in right up past colledges crossing, ithink thats why we didn't get many sharks they probably followed the tide up so watch out swimmers:evil:

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Feral wrote:

Bewdiful fish! I hear they are all right eating as well. You can tell me tomorrow Jeff![/quote

feral did the smaller thready on the barby wrapped in foil smeared with a mix of butter crushed garlic and crushed ginger and it was heaven on a stick:kiss:

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mate, that salmon is a whucking fopper... how big do those guys get?

Where is this famed kookaburra park I keep hearing about and is there any potential to fish it from the banks? As I'm generally boat-less. I borrowed a mates little tinny (3? 3.5m?) with a little 5hp.. but there is a chronic fuel leak at the coupling from the fuel line to the engine so she wont kick over... and it's slightly unregistered.

What is the HP limit for not needing a boat license? I thought it was 5, but now I'm starting to get the impression it's 4? I don't wanna get smacked with a fine when I could spend that cash on more tackle.

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Jeff, that salmon is a ripper!!! I can only imagine the fight it put up, cant wait to catch something anywhere near as good as that.

I wonder how I would go trying to catch one in a kayak :P

Ill definitely have to head back to kookaburra soon, problem is Im always landbased and as mentioned it is obvious the fish are on the opposite side in the deep channel. You can constantly see and hear surface action over there, but nothing on the landbased side.


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werewolf wrote:

AH i think you have to be over 6HP to have to register it but someone like Feral could tell you fo sure

hey jeff - how big were the livies you got the salmon on?

werewolf the big fella was on a bonybream about 15cm and the smaller one was on a herring about 10cm

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