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A new lure to put its hat in the ring


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Dear Brisbane fishing community,

As many will be aware, there was a home-made lure enterprise late last year by the name of robzam. The opportunity was presented to me to buy it out, so I have decided to learn the trade and today I bought the equipment and leftover materials in order to set up an operation of my own.

I can’t give you an exact date of production yet, but what I can tell you is that the first run of lures will remain a soft but tough elastomeric vibe lure principally aimed at medium-deep water situations for Brisbane River estuary fish like this one:


I am quite excited to get into the industry and my first prototype runs have been met with success. I look forward to a healthy relationship with the AFO community and am very enthusiastic to offer some merchandise as competition prizes, etc.

Some of you may know that my current job is expiring in May so i thought it great timing to try and make a go of this on my own. A big plus is all the fishing I will have to do for quality control and product testing :woohoo: i’ll be sure to keep the reports flowing.

I haven’t decided on a name as yet but I thought I would put it out there, know that I am busy working in the background and testing and am confident to have a great product available soon.

Who knows, in the future I may even look for an apprentice and what better place to pluck an enthusiastic would-be lure maker than here! :)



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note: i have deleted any questions about who the previous maker was as there would be alota people with something to say about the person in question i would like to keep nadders thread free from clutter. in short it was a banned member from AFO and i think thats all that needs to be said on that matter.

good luck with it Dan

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thousandyards wrote:

dan......from all of us who don't know - or care - about a 'previous member' who you bought the set up off.......congrats! number of times i've seen photos with fish wearing one of those things for a lipring.......

as for a name........danzam.......nadzam.......the unrobzam......pipelinezam........threadzam........ ;);)

To be honest id keep ZAM out of the name. There was a Jason Zam photographed in Bush & Beach that might get upset :P

In all seriousness though Dan good luck to you. I am looking forward to seeing how this pans out.

Name wise, off the top of my head I cant think of a great example but maybe something that is typically Australian or even Brisbane based?

Or better yet a more generic name with an original specific Brisbane themed colour scheme? Give the lure some serious home grown appeal as opposed to sounding like another brand out there and thus a bit unoriginal and to be fair making it sound like a copy rather than an improvement.

Good luck mate.


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jeff f wrote:

great stuff dan, looks like aready made base market.

i like angus's idea with the bris river themed names

poo shoot (brown tint, possibly scented)

oil spill (rainbow tint)

pipe lime (green tint)

syringe (clear with orange head)

I like ones like pipe lime (actually really like that one). But I would be personally avoiding ones that paint a less than positive (even in jest) image of the river such as Syringe. Just my opinion though.

In saying that cudos for suggestions I have made none so far!


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nadders wrote:

lol, what are ya using?

a syringe mate what about you

i will think of something good, spending all my time at the moment ensuring the quality of the product and the setup :cheer:

Hahahaha yeah.

You have to love GoNadds Lures though right? :P

What about: South Bank Sulphur? Sulphur Silt? Or something like that? Sort of covers the existing yellowish colour pretty well.

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