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Your Thoughts On Osama Bin Laden Dead ?


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They found Osama humping a sheep before he died. They questioned him about it but he said it was islamb and he can do what he wants with it!

:lol::lol::lol: Thats some funny S### islamb :lol::lol:;)

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Due to how nice the US gov is, they decided that there was too much rubbish in the ocean, they decided to put a bin in there

Lol Rob :dry: ;):)

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the U.S has been able to make the world believe unimaginable things in the past, much harder than this....people underestimate what the power of the media can do.

im not saying he isnt dead, he may well be, but he wasnt guilty of the september 11 attacks anyway, so whatever is being shown to us on the news is rubbish.

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the U.S has been able to make the world believe unimaginable things in the past, much harder than this....people underestimate what the power of the media can do.

im not saying he isnt dead, he may well be, but he wasnt guilty of the september 11 attacks anyway, so whatever is being shown to us on the news is rubbish.

in a land of freedom of speech your entitled to your opinion,so am I.

beware of corns on the palm and the date,he certainly videoed high enjoyment of 911.

For the World each dead terrorist is a good terrorist

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Does it Matter if he was or was not guilty of 9/11, he has commited alot of terror attacks around the world, getting someone else to do his dirty work, to be honest if someone is responsible for killing so many people , then why would anyone not want to kill them. And how do you know he was not guilty of the sep 11, who said that he was not guilty of it. The media can have alot of power, and so can people that make up a story goodenough for others to believe.

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because i have put the time and effort in to look at all the facts, that is why i can have such a strong opinion.

you just cant believe everything you are told....the CIA had brainwashed assasins floating around the globe back in the 40's and 50's. you really think that everything is so black and white?

little bit of light reading...


i suggest anyone who has a strong opinion on this subject look into 9/11 a bit more, you will soon see that nothing at all points to Osama, except everything in bush's campaign to use him for a scapegoat.

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because i have put the time and effort in to look at all the facts, that is why i can have such a strong opinion................

i suggest anyone who has a strong opinion on this subject look into 9/11 a bit more, you will soon see that nothing at all points to Osama, except everything in bush's campaign to use him for a scapegoat.

yep porkies get told, by the goodies and the baddies,my statement that a good terrorist is a dead terrorist is good for the World is based on solid facts: Lockerbie,Bali,911,Mumbai just to name a few.

They don`t have to have a bomb in their vest or a gun in their hand,being the rabid mouth piece,spruiking and inciting other fanatics will do.

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because i have put the time and effort in to look at all the facts, that is why i can have such a strong opinion.

you just cant believe everything you are told....the CIA had brainwashed assasins floating around the globe back in the 40's and 50's. you really think that everything is so black and white?

little bit of light reading...


i suggest anyone who has a strong opinion on this subject look into 9/11 a bit more, you will soon see that nothing at all points to Osama, except everything in bush's campaign to use him for a scapegoat.

I read a bit of that tripe and couldn't see much in it really.

I read this bit though - "Since Osama bin Laden's bloody attack on America on September 11" which seems to contradict your opinion that "but he wasnt guilty of the september 11 attacks anyway" :unsure:

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Why would i believe something from www.rense.com/general14/bushsformer.htm, and not believe what happened, next you will be telling me that the US Gov blew the building up themselfs to make it look like Bin Laden.

But if he did not do it, then who did.

To be honest, he claimed credit for it , there for to me he was responsible for it.

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"Seal Team 6" known as one of the greatest combat units within the US NAvy, Army & Airforce, storm into the compound manage to get into the same room with no US casualties and somehow only wound his daughter in the leg, 10 others captured yet apart from his guards, Osama & i think the other his son killed.

This unit is known for dealing with some of the most complicated missions undertaken yet shots to the chest including a headshot was reported. (it seemed that they kinda got to him with ease, lets remember these are elite soldiers) !!!

These guys are way to skilled and although trained to kill would have understood the importance of capture, although through the course of events would seem overwhelming and you could assume that they shot him in the head due to an instinc but i doubt that.

I would say that he was taken away for further torturing i mean questioning..... why not !!! let the world know he's dead and then they have him all to themselves under secret custody

I love a good conspirecy, but which ever way you look at it, whether he is dead or chained to a wall with 30,000 volts attached to his testicles, the world is better off thanks to the Navy Seals !!!!!

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There is absolutely no way ST6 would have gone in there with even the option of live capture of OBL.

He would have been more of a liability alive for the USA, Al Qaeda and other islamic radicals around the globe would have simply held western interests to ransom, demanding his release (think, tourist bus gets hijacked and each passenger decapitated live on the internet until OBL is released)

Orders would have been to take him down and bring back the body.

Being a bit of a special ops nut, i think the way this operation was set up and carried out is of far more interest than the fact they dropped Osama. Thy've done quite a number of things 'out of the box' it would seem, for a ST6/160th Airwing operation (go have a read about the 160th Tactical airwing of you dont know who they are and are into that kind of stuff)

It appears they may have even used one (or more) of the "decommisioned from development" Comanche stealth attack helicopters...for air support/suppression and/or a new variant of the Special Ops Blackhawk, which is quite different to our Blackhawks......

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I would have feed him pork for breakfest/Lunch/Dinner/Dessert 365 days a year {FORCE FEED HIM] it every day for ever....And in the back ground play USA songs :)

Some more Bacon MR Bin :evil:

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He's probable still alive in a cell somewhere in the US being integrated :dry:

Guess we will never know :huh:

Barack Obama - will go down in history as the first Afro/American man having to convince every body,that he actually did do the killing.

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He's probable still alive in a cell somewhere in the US being integrated :dry:

Guess we will never know :huh:

Barack Obama - will go down in history as the first Afro/American man having to convince every body,that he actually did do the killing.

Time will soon tell ;):)

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I got to admit when i first heard the news i smiled, good riddens.

What now though? thats the question, he has already been replaced and the new leader has swarn to avenge the old rag head osama and his son dosant seem a happy chapy either. imo this will only lead to more attacks and more bloodshed... Still, he got what he desserved, that and a double tap to the chest, i bet even the sharks spat him out lol.



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