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Boydy's Birthday 'Toga Party


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Was privileged enough to be invited up to Maleny on the weekend to celebrate my mate Boydy’s birthday. This was an exciting prospect as aside from staying in a sensational pad flanked by rolling green hills on one side and deep, thick rain forest of the other, it was also a chance to fish his private dam which has abundant Saratoga stocked in it.

The Dam.


After a night of red wine and jenga, Boydy, myself, Julia and Tanya headed to the dam to see how things were. As one of my goals in ,ife is to be a lot more “kreel like” I opted for the Yellow Hobie Revolution with Tanya taking the blue. Boydy and Julia shared their electric powered Viking Tempo II Fisherman.


It was a slow start on the water although there were numerous surface hits and one toga landed by me to keep us entertained. At about 8:00am things really fired up though (maybe it just needed to warm up) and the fish started getting boated left right and centre. You know your spoiled when you can even be bothered photographing 60cm+ fish :P From here it gets blurry as it was constant action with 12 landed by me and 7 landed by Boydy. This doesn’t do the action justice though as there were dozens of other dropped fish (seemed to happen a lot more than usual due I think to more hesitant than usual takes) and I got steam trained twice and pinged.







Largest fish of the day were me with a 63cm and Boydy with a 71cm. Much to Boydy’s disgust the measuring device we had maxed out at 71cm making the photo ineligible for FOTM, but he managed a 60ish cm for entry. The interesting thing was that usually among the beasts you pick up a few 30-40cm fish but on this trip we were playing with the big boys with the smallest fish landed still going well over 50cm and most at around the 60cm mark. All fish were caught on Damiki Ripperz and GULP Grubs rigged on resin heads which is the absolute go to rig here. Would have toyed a lot more with hard bodies today but despite the glorius photo of the water earlier on the wind really picked up and plastics was the sensible option.

Boydy's got a tonne more cool images as well that he will upload when he gets the chance.

Anyway Boydy thanks again mate and happy birthday!



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After a night of red wine and jenga, Boydy, myself, Julia and Tanya headed to the dam to see how things were. As one of my goals in ,ife is to be a lot more “kreel like†I opted for the Yellow Hobie Revolution with Tanya taking the blue. Boydy and Julia shared their electric powered Viking Tempo II Fisherman.


Dear Captain,

it's always lovely to hear that you can inspire others to the finer things in life, like fishing, yellow Revolutions, single malt whisky and hair-cuts.

Commander B Phillips Light Whores (retired)

PS Huge fish, I'm more than a little jealous. Happy birthday Boydy - I've marked the day in my calendar so I don't miss my fishin invite next near.

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fantastic report!! Happy Bday and gee there are some fat toga in that dam!! do they breed well in there??

Wes they have been there at least 15 years as far as we can tell based on the past owner having nothing to do with the stocking either.

There are fish ranging (that we have caught) from 25cm to over 80cm.

I am no scientist so I dont want to make statements that may be confused with fact but I would "assume" due to the size range and simply the mininum length of time they must have been there that they must breed in there.

Thanks for the comments guys.

I was kicking myself that I had leant my Areals out as the rod I was using had a VERY slow action and it was a little tough pinning the fish. Using an Areal Sharpshooter or other such fast action rod I believe I would have converted another 10 hits to hook ups easily no word of a lie.

Fishing 3lb fluro straight through was also a little bold :P


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There is no reason they wouldnt breed in there. As far as I know all aquacultured togas are bred in small farm sized dams. They just drop them in after conditioning them in inside ponds and let the mummy and daddy togas do what they know best, then once the babies have reached a certain size they net the whole dam, keep the adults for breeding next season and sell the babies off.

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