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Threadfin Salmon @ Kookaburra Park

Plastic Fantastic

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hey everyone i'm kinda new to this whole forum thing so bear with me.

ok i was wondering how to catch the threadies up at kookaburra park? where bouts (land-based)and wat tackle to use and such.

also has anyone ever caught any threadies up past colleges crossing? has anyone caught any unusual fish up past colleges crossing? i've personally caught giant herring, tarpon, tilapia bass, bream, lungfish, flathead, garfish and winter whiting up wel into the furtherest reaches of the tidal influence.

also, i was down at the colleges crossing pipes and there were two spearfishers who surpirisingly were bringin up millions of scat or butter bream, monsters too! they also reckon they catch jacks up there for aquariums but i dunno. when i was there one guy got real spooked by wat he described as a massive barramundi...culd it off bin a mulloway? wat eva it was he seemed pretty eager to shoot it and when he missed he swam heaps fast to the bank.

so yea any replys will b greatly appreciated.


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