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My Tuna scored has now been settled


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After loosing two Tuna in my previous yak due to a broken rod and a bent hook I was keen to even the score but Longtail season in the bay had come to an end. Well it appears not as after seeing a bust up off Cleveland Point on Tuesday I went out today to chase some Squire but had a rig setup for Tuna incase anything was to show. Landed a few small Squire, Bream and Sweetlip when I noticed some surface action so put the light gear away and paddled like mad towards the bust up. Waited for a bit waiting for the right moment to cast at them and when it came I fired a cast off and within two seconds of it hitting the water I was on. Got dragged around for about 15 minutes before the fish was yak side and I was able to grab it. Grab the tail with a death grip and pulled it aboard and straight into the Stealth's huge internal fish box. Id done it at last a Tuna in the yak. Called Andrew (Onthechew) who came down to take some photos for me and after finishing the phone call the Tuna popped up right next to me and I couldn't not cast at them so a quick flick and i'm on again. Same deal of getting towed around and another Tuna has been landed. I'm now one happy yakker as i'v managed to land two Tuna in the yak in the one session and I did it off my own front door step not offshore or up at Noosa or Brays Rock etc.

Also both fish were at the metre mark and damn fat easily being around the 10kg mark




Two Longtails one kept the other released alive


One Longtail of about 10kg


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Well done mark, that tuna would want to taste good it cost you about $500 :P That second photo turned out good, not bad considering I had a one year old in the other arm, well good except those pants :whistle: Weekend off fishing this week then think it will be time to start smashing those kingies, I think I will owe Tristan a trip after the shocker on the weekend.


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Thanks for the replies fellas and for anyone interested both fish were caught on a Luckycraft 3-10kg Light Dropshot rod with a Shimano Stradic CI4 4000 with 20lb line and leader with a 3/8th jighead and a 3" Zoom in a disco colour. Now Tuna is crossed off the list a Spanish Mac is next but I might have to venture offshore for that one.



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Just a heads up for anyone who does have a kayak these Longies have been hanging around Cleveland Point for a good week or so now and it's a good chance for the yakkers to catch one. I usually fish out from the point and find the Tuna are usually along a dropoff that goes from 3-5m deep. You dont need a big flash kayak to catch one as they're only about 500m out from the point at the most, the key is to look for any boils, splashes or birds hovering to find them. Smaller 3" plastics in clear/white colours are the go and just cast them in the direction the fish are heading and hopefully the fish does the rest and then it's just a matter of holding on for the ride. Getting it in the yak is another story though.



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