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Just been Robbed!!!


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bugger mate. were they just after the fishing gear? sounds like they knew what they were after.

one of the caveats of the internet, particular when people are proud of their quality tackle (i.e. rod/reels in photos). i have some advice if you want to pm me, won't post it publicly.

that's a good way to stop thieves nat, make sure it doesn't work!

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That really sucks mate, have you got a list of the items that went missing? I'll keep an eye out for anybody selling off a chunk of fishing gear.

Had around $3k of camping gear stolen from me back in the US. Shortly thereafter, somebody posted that they were selling around $2k worth of camping gear; sadly it wasn't my gear when I went and checked it out.

Hope things work out for you with insurance / cops.

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inala isnt a very safe area
Really? Having lived in or around the area my whole life I think it has come a hell of a long way. I don't feel any less safe in Inala than I do in some other suburbs of Brisbane. Also it is not only Inala where robberies occur.

lived in durack all my life... never had a problem. forest lake i got bashed and robbed and ended up on the channel 9 news. hahaha sorry ant... dont get paranoid now:p

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Thanks for the support guys.

Well, coming from an insurance background if there is no obvious signs of break ins, the insurers usually ask a million questions.

I called the cops today and told them about it. they said that they will have an officer around in approx 1 hour as its low priority. I guess there is more important things to do. Told the operator, to not bother as i had to go to work.

Considering it was only approx $300- $400 in fishing tackle alone, it can be replaced easily. Had some rods on the rod holder but werent touched. Had my Nordics and certates in the boot of the car which is alarmed so they were smart not to touch the cars.

Didnt bother with insurance as i know what they will say with no police report, besides if i DID have one which will say "no signs of break in or damages". I will be wasting my time.

Glad to say, that some of my tackle has been replaced courtesy to chermside shopping centre's late trade. Still pised cos i had a box of very expensive lures which have not even gone for a swim yet taken.

Well, my garage is now wired with 2 motion sensors and 3 other rooms are also wired up.

The electric garage door is now basically bolted to the ground. (Still dumafounded as to how they got the garage door open???? maybe they have a univeral remote?)

The house has all the flood lights turned on.

I have also dug out my trusty old but razor sharp machette which is nicely placed next to my bed. Only 3 weeks to go before i move to a new secured premises.

xmas here so all smiles.... keep fishin and keep the reports comin.


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