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How did you hear about AFO?


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Ok guys, i know this has been done before but couldnt find the thread. There's also been heaps of new members within the last year and would be nice to hear how you heard about AFO?

Were you introduced by a mate?

Did you see a afo sticker on a car or boat??

Or was lucky enough to come across the link when you googled fishing in brisbane?

or somehow else?

I'll start.

A mate of mine by the username "hdo" mentioned afo a few years back. I never thought anything of it til he said people have been catchin threadies and jew in the river. I didnt beleive him as i thought there were only the odd shark, catty and bream.

I had to register on afo and see for myself the report and pics, and now im totally in love with afo :kiss:

Im so greatful on how this site has educated me on our much loved hobby "fishing" from tackle to laws, from members inputs. Im glad to say that i have also really appreciated and enjoyed "Catch and Release" fishing rather than catch and fillet! And if on the odd occasion that i decided to keep, ive learnt only to keep what i will eat, not stock in the freezer for months.

Its also coz of afo that im no longer using kmart fishing rods ;)

There's only 3 things that annoy me EVERY single day and they are -

1. Not being able to log onto afo

2. watchin the news and keepin upto date with whats goin on in the world

3. being good to my wife (i was made to include this by the way) :lol:

So guys, tell us how you heard about afo. Im sure the big guns would also be interested to know for marketing and statistics purposes.

Have a great day boyz and girlz!!


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Angus was on KFDU I think replying to a "where to go fishing" thread that I had put up. Met up with him, Terry and Alex from Viking (I think) and someone else for my first session on Kedron Brook Floodway. From then on I lurked a bit as I was more into yak fishing and there wasn't as many yakkers over here, but I have slowly started to post more and meet more people. Hell I even bought a boat!

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I thought I was the only person who kayak fished until I got a pooter and the interweb thing in '06 and a couple of months later stumbled onto AKFF and AFO.

Few absolute tools early on and I didn't have to much to do with the site until a couple of years later I met up with BrianD, Shortie, Do-boy, Lee and a couple of others at CIW for a yak social. I realised the f-wits never show their faces (except Jords last year) and then BRC, Wintercamp and SoO.

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A japanese fellow, was fishing at the spit and racking in bream 1 after another and i put my stuff down and just watched and

learned he aventually came up and we talked for about half an hour and he told me

to go on here to learn some new tips

Now im here !

And now i can sort of fish

Cheers afo and mods and admin for the learning curve

and my wife thanks you for the past 5K+ i have spent on gear :)

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Every Friday Nugget would put an audio file up of what was biting where and what the fish forecast was for the coming weekend.

Every Friday I would listen and download those files. Whilst listening I had a browse around his site which was pretty simple then with very little new stuff. I clicked on the link to the Brisbane River Classic site which turned out to be AFO.

I saw a thread where Ash had asked how a spinnerbait was tied on, so I answered. Then I found a thread from AaronH showing pics that looked very similar to a place I camp at out west, so made a second post asking if it was the same spot. In the first instance I was ignored and in the second received a response that was not all that friendly (but not rude either). So I went back to Ausfish where I'd been living for a while but not really enjoying the atmosphere or "bigger" members either. A month or two passed and I returned to AFO and caused a bit of a kerfuffle when I had a go at another new member called GoOlie. Some agreed with me, some didn't. Then some of the members became more sceptical of me as they weren't understanding my sense of humour. :pinch: Although not an ideal atmosphere this piqued my stubbornness enough to hang in for a bit longer and annoy a lot more people for a lot more years :lol:

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Tacklebox, joined and told me to join as well. I was just about to get suckered into an April Fools post, when eCat sent me a PM and stopped me from making a fool of myself. His warning has worn off and I regularly make a fool of myself now.

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  • 2 months later...

I went for a walk one day, with out any particular reason or place to go. On my walk I saw a dog. The dog told me that there was a nice little park a few streets down that I should have a look at. So down the street I went and throught the park I strolled. It was a lovely park, with lots of trees and things. In the park I saw a bird. The bird told me that there was a little path that led to a secret forest only a few trees along the way. So down the path I jigged and on my merry little way I went. Once I got to the secret forest, it became clear to me that I needed to buy certates, steezes and nordic stage rods.

Thank you AFO!



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I was doing shift work at a youth shelter, once everyone was asleep and I waited for the police to turn up with new tennants for the night I spent a lot of time on google earth checking out the bay and river, in my searches I found afo. That was in august 07. There were a few people around back then that made the expierience good and others that had the opposite effect, so I left the forum for a year or so then tried again, to my supprise my account was still open. Attended a couple of socials and gave deckie spots and went on a few. I found that its a great community, like any group of people you'll find really opinionated people, people you wouldnt invite to your house for a bbq (like madmullet hahaha he eats too much) and other people you make great mates with. Ive heard people bag it, but when I ask them why they dont like it, it only confirms the reasons I do :cheer: :cheer:

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