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Australia Day Options - King Threadfin Salmon.


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So with australia day Just around the corner, I'm again thinking of my fishing options around CQ. Light winds in the morning, small tides. I'm thinking creeks estuary.

The first option i'm thinking of is chasing King Threadfin around the Port Alma area in my 4m Hornet. It's just after the neaps so water quality/visibility should be decent. The idea would be to target deeper holes, drop offs and drains at the mouth of creeks coming into the main passage on the dropping tide, low at 9:45am.. Using soft vibes & a variety of other soft plastics especially prawn imitations as there are a lot of prawns about at the moment. Might even net a few to use live if the lures don't work.

Option 2 is later that day, fish large baits such as Mullet fillet, big prawns at the mouth of Coorooman Creek on the run in tide in the hope of a Grunter that come into the creeks to feed on the flood tides. But the smaller tide worries me a little. I think they like a bit more run, and night is better than day there.

Any thoughts?


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