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Had it up to here!!!!!


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Oxley creek is a bloody good fishing spot. it has its own council pontoon and everything. Allthough on day some wanker decided to put up a sign. Anyways since then we \"havent\" ment to fish off there. Allthough today we went down there and out of no where some a$$hole came down and fired up at us. So as a true fisherman i fired up too. Anyways after a while he started threating us with calling the council so we moved. I hate this crap. its beyond a joke. FISHERMAN HAVE RIGHTS TOO! And im guna show this dude. i am going to organise a peace full protest in the near future. Apparently these canoers have get togethers every now and then so i am going to get some blow up boats and canoes and tie them onto the pontoon and fish from them. in teh process i will get int eh way of the canoers as much as i possibly can. If anyone is keen to stand up for this worthy cause let me know.


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Mate if it says no fishing, that means no fishing. Carrying on like a pork chop is not going to improve the public image of fisherman.

SUre peaceful protest is fine, but burring up coz someone has the hid to ask you obey th elaw is a bit stiff.

Would you like to be abused if you pointed out to someone they were taking undersized fish?

A Polite \"gee sorry mate\", then move on is the way to go.

Then go see you local councillor and ask why fishermen are excluded from using the public facility, get Gary to see if his mates in the fishing party can do something about some lobbying etc etc. Get onto some of the local fishing celebs, like Brownie or Dave Downey, see if they can take up the cause on there shows.

Reports to the council of members of the public being abused by fisho's will not help the cause - trust me.

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Mate, we move when they ask us but when the come down say \"Cant you F**KING READ NO FISHing!\" and constantly say F**K and abusing you im not going to sit back and cop it. If he came down and said look mate you cant fish here its a safety thing i would have been cool. the funny thing is more fisherman use that pontoon the actual canoers. It may sound like i went over the top but if you were they i bet you would have done the same. I was tempted to lodge a complaint towards canoeing qld but its not worth it. there probs all the same.


Post edited by: BIG DAVE 1, at: 2006/09/20 20:53

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Your still technically a \"child\" ( I am not being insulting here - read on! ) so get your old man, or even better your mother, to ring up and complain that their \"young son\" was subjected to foul language, abuse and threats. And get him to do it to the Canoe mob, the local councilor, see if the canoe mob have any sponsors, if they do ring them to! Sponsors love to hear from members of the public that they are being associated with that sort of thing! (Sarcasm there!)

Dont do it yourself, or it will be obvious you are not exactly a \"young son\" anymore!

Get in first! Its politics that will win the battle for you, not confrontation! (Unless you want to engineer something for videoing by a mate to take to show those sponsors!)

Post edited by: Feral, at: 2006/09/21 05:44

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I called the brisbane city council today and they stated we were not allowed to fish there. but he said if the guy was abusing you thats inapropriate, he said that CANOEING QLD has no lease on that pontoon so they cant tell u off under any sercumstanses. that is a council job. So they are going to contact these guys and ask some questions.


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BIG DAVE 1 wrote:

I called the brisbane city council today and they stated we were not allowed to fish there. but he said if the guy was abusing you thats inapropriate, he said that CANOEING QLD has no lease on that pontoon so they cant tell u off under any sercumstanses. that is a council job. So they are going to contact these guys and ask some questions.


Did he give a reason to the no fishing policy???

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Man, I'm so tempted to go down there with all my fishing gear and just parking it all on the pontoon. Few buckets, bait, sp rod, sharking gear, gen purpose gear, cast nets, etc etc... and then just sitting in my inflatable boat (tie it up to the pontoon).

That way, I'm fishing from my boat, not the pontoon!

So basically, if I had time, I'd do the same thing as what you said dave...

On the other hand Dave, the signs are there for a reason. If someone asks you to leave, then you should, regardless of whether the person asked nicely.

Post edited by: TerryH, at: 2006/09/21 17:49

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Well my attitude is not to be confrontational about the issue but to address the needs and concerns of the canoe club such that they are not threatened. I was down there the other night and another guy (probably one of you on the forum be cause he told me about this site) well he got to washing the mud from his cast net off the pontoon, he said he didn’t want to make it a mess because the club didn’t like it. Cant help but think that if every fisherman had such an amicable attitude there would be no problem.

I have had people there launching canoes but I pull my lines in and make room for them, consequently they were friendly in return and said I could stay. But if someone threatens you, you have the right to defend yourself. I can tell you now that someone will get a big surprise if they think they can physically intimidate me because I am alone and isolated. Having said that I agree with feral. Politics will win the battle for a simple reason. More people with more money like fishing. Its activating them and getting results that is the art. The confrontation idea is not a good one, satisfying perhaps but ultimately counter productive. The canoes club members and fishermen have a lot in common that the average Brisbaneite does not . That is we both love the river. Perhaps to stir the imagination I will suggest that the canoe club could aid in lobbying for construction of a fisherman’s pontoon. (naturally any canoes found near such a pontoon will be immediately sunk ) ;)

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