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Brisbane River 16./4/2008


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Booty - Well the fish certainly did not want to play today

Kriso - Nah I have never fished that bad ever

Booty - So what do you think we should put in the report

Kriso - Well noone actually knows we snuck out here so we dont need a report

Booty - Right on Kriso, up there for thinking

So here is a zilch report!

But in all honesty, the wind was up. We tried at the secret pylon, inside Boggy Creek, along the Sunken Wall, some other place where there is an old pontoon, and along Newstead Park for zilch.

Well we both did have a piscatorial moment, with Kriso hoking a fair size shovelnose shark on a livey and bringing it in to the boat. And me, well the closest I got to a fish was the can of tuna I had for lunch.

But a good day, and I learnt 2 new knots from Kriso... cheers mate!

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Jordan wrote:

holy crap thats incredible, did that actually happen while you were you were out there?

hahah thats my arm in the photo haha there tame as there will sit around the boat for ages lookin for you to feed them because there are a few that do. i know its not realy good encouraging them but you have to part with serious coin to do it any where else they always hang around boggy mouth pretty much pull up and their there within 5-10mins just splash your hand in the water and tap the boat abit then they come, they will turn on there sides heaps to see if your holding out fish, to feed them just hold the fish out and they will slowly come to the boat with the mouth open a little and they gently take the fish and slowy move back if your out there and they come up give it a go there not shy. there not dumb though no fish then they wont come near your hands

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