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Dennis Lake..


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  • 2 weeks later...

bravoboy wrote:

I've never fished there, but have heard of yellowbelly being caught there

Yella's in there aswell, cool!

The Guy's at BCF also told me(this is how I heard about the place) that someone was pullin 50cm+ Bass out of the lake.

Yella's and big bass what more could u ask for?:)

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I had a drive down there the other day didn't fish it though, there is a small park area to access it, most of it looks like private land, lots of duck weed though but some of the residents had kayaks sitting next to the lake. No signs to say we can't fish it either

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my experience there's bass and yellowbelly in there. The bass are more catchable. In a little kayak the best session I've has is about 5 bass on topwaters. Gets weedy in Summer. Steve Bain had a lot to do with an initial stocking via the Logan City Council a decade ago.

Never seen a 50cm in there. High 30s is average. Make sure you let 'em all go!



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