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thoughts on the RNA sale thing today?


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I went

I looked

I left

All low quality chinese stuff.

Lots cheap reels but not good quality.

Mono line in bulk $35 for a box.

Plastics $5 packet.

Lures poor quality $4.

Rods not much.

Some camping stuff unknown quality. I had a look at a folding chair and I wouldnt be game to sit in it.

Certainly not worth the drive for me.

My opinion go to Anacondas new sale, BCF or A mart you will get better quality for same or less price and help keep some AFOI members in a job.



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i thought it would be mostly cheap chinese gear imported

finding a place to park

walk 2 bloody miles

get stung at the gate

and maybe thinking i throw out gear better in quality than they would have on sale.

glad i stayed home and finished off the fitout on the boat

well they're my thoughts!


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Yep, I went there too. Saved heaps by not spending a cent. I thought that there might at least be some cheap terminal tackle and maybe a bit of discounted braid - nothing but dubious quality rods, reels, no brand plastics & lures and some really bad looking camping gear. Looks like stuff that was rejected by Crazy Clarks?? Most impressed by the plastic reels for $15 with a 5 year warranty. Suspect it may be a back to base warranty and applies only of the reel never comes out of the box. Didn't see much walking out the door, but there may be something there for someone.

For legal purposes, these comments are only my own opinion and are not based on any quantifiable data. Other people may find terrific quality at ta great price. Good luck!

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nadders wrote:

i like how there was a post on here by one of the organisers of the event actually stating that they were importing "big name brands" just under different names due to legal reasons or whatever..

pretty cheap and dirty marketing tactics there

here's that quote...

greatajay wrote:

As an organiser of this sale, I thought it might be useful to fill people in with a little info.

For legal reasons, we cannot import "Brand Name" gear.

When it comes to rods, most of our stock comes from manufacturers of "brand name" rods, it just comes in unmarked, with the exception of a few that find there way into our orders still branded.

We import goods in generic packaging, and have a massive range of both high end and lower end gear to suit our retailers needs.

All in all, the sale should have plenty for everyone, and nearly all product is a minimum of 50% off and in most cases even more.

it's all a play on words i reckon

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I drove back from a holiday at the gold coast for this.I got there at 12 on opening day and everyone who went there seemed of the same opinion that the sale was piss poor.Hell they had no name(not rob) plastics there selling for 9 bucks when you could get the good stuff in store for less.

I bought a live bait aerator for ten bucks, a crappy lure for 4 bucks a couple of reel oil tubes and one set of light sticks for me and one for the kiddies if they behave.

I am happy the site made money for the advertising of this sale but am dissappointed that the actual sale was rubbish.

Mind you Anaconda was getting wraps(from guys I were talking too there) about the quality of their sales so thumbs up to all at Anaconda.


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