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hey, have bought new light tackle set up for flicking lures and so forth for bream, i have been told that i will have to first spool a little mono then tie to braid and spool braid also then braid to mono then mono to leader. is this true for one and also what knotts should i use and is there directions online to learn as i know how to do a blood knot and that is it. also what due you think about a section on knotts in the hints and tips angus?

cheers any input would be greatly appriciated!

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Good question Kriso

Troy explains this stuf pretty well but I can get a bit of info to you.

Yes to the first part. Backing, then Braid, then flurocarbon leader is the most popular or \"standard\" set up. How much backing depends on size of spool but sometimes it takes a couple of goes to get it right.

Tonight I respooled my new 2500 size reel with 8lb braid and it took 10 metres of 15lb backing to get the perfect fit. THe first time I misjudged the amount of backing and ended up with too much on the spool. So then I had to transfer all the line onto a spare reel, reduce the backing and wind it all back on again.:blush: :pinch:

I use a few basic knotts and a couple of compliated knots but generally I like the catspaw for the joining knot if I have a bimini loop and platted leader. As a simple knot I use the double uni knott but it's little bulky for some of my finer rod tips.

There's nothing wrong with the blood knott but I double it throught the eye of the hook before doing the twists.

I also like the fireline knot - you'll find it in a box of fireline.

FERAL - I would love to learn th Furgie knot to replace the double uni.

I would also like to learn his loop knott too.

Post edited by: Brian D, at: 2007/05/10 22:49

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Kriso I use the first one I sent you. Don't know if it's the best but it works for me. Has never failed. It's easy enough to learn as well.

If you use a real tackle shop the staff are usually happy to show you how it's done and there's nothing better than having someone show you first hand.

Good luck with it.:)

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Ferg just uses an albright for joining line, his loop knot is just an bowline, which I do a modified version of (by mistake I learnt it slightly different, but it works). A Lot of people dont like a bowline, they reckon it is weak. After watching Ferg catch metre plus barra on 20lb braid its strong enough for me.!

Post edited by: Feral, at: 2007/05/11 05:25


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Thanks Feral (Karma when I can).

That bowline is a beauty. I can't see that coming undone.

Also I see what I was doing wrong with the allbright.

There's 2 type of fisherman - those who think it is a breach of national security if they share secerets, knots, fishing holes, techniques etc and there are those who are helpfull and get enjoyment from helping people. We are lucky you are one of the helpful people.

Thanks againB)

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the albright is a goody as per ferals pic there.

its probably the most streamlined of any of the joiners, i can recount plenty of failures though so i made a modification to stop it slipping.

at the apex as the tag comes out pass it back in again, this will give it an extra loop around the mono.

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I use the albright knot most of the time(ezy to tie) but I find that it fails most of the time by snapping(biting in to it) the smaller diameter line....The knot that im using now is known to international game fisho's as a Uni-knot a much stronger knot than the the albright especially when using braid...it has a 80 to 90% strength rating compared to the 60% albright knot...

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on a slightly diffrent tangent, once your lines are joined iv'e found the palomar knot is the strongest knot for your hooks and swivels, I do alot of deep sea fishing and it has never snapped or pulled. you can also get your self 2 large hooks and a meter of trace tie a palomar to 1 and any other knot to the other and pull them i bet the palomar allways remains tied. http://www.fish4fun.com/palomarknot.htm

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