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Flathead help


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Early in the season (like now) or if the bite is slow I will use an 8lb leader (prefer coated fluorocarbon but that is personal choice). When the season proper kicks off and/or I am chasing bigger fish, I will go to 14lb leader.

If you are worried about bite-offs with the 8lb, you can run a short length (50mm) of 14lb at the jig/lure to avoid the leader wearing as much. Considered the best of both worlds, but you have to know you can tie good knots!


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I think that in six months we will look back to this post and say this it where it started. Im sure many people have had a double look at the flattie post by Tugger and can't believe it.

Don't tell him too much, because he will take it all in and clean the floor with us.

Mark my words, you have been warned he is now using flathead as live bait. :evil:

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hehehehe i doubt he would catch much with a flathead....and if he is pullin the piss..... yeah well!

I've used flathead both live and filleted for sharks in the Coomera and they love them!Many times I've had mullet and flattie baits out side by side and the flathead last usually less than a half hour and a mullet can swim around untouched all day.

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I chase flatties regularly and have had plenty of success catching them from 40cm models to 85cm using 4 pound braid (which usually has a breaking strain of 20pound) and 10 flourocarbon leader .

I've personally had PLENTY of success. The lighter you go in your leader, the more fish you're gonna catch!!! :)

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One of the biggest problems with big flatties is setting the hook and having a suitable rod to do that.They spit the hook so easy.

I like to drift and fish/jig vertically but,which when the current is moving that means using jig heads of 1 1/2 oz plus a couple of small sinkers.So this weight bouncing over gravel and rocks means a leader up to 30lb. A jig head that size also gives you a larger guage hook.

My line is always vertical and i adjust the weight to suit this.

The abrasion against the mouth/teeth is'nt a problem with 20lb plus leader.

My 2 cents worth, good luck Tugger,Im sure you won't need it.

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