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Flattie Social Reports and Results

Bri The Pom

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The Flattie social has come and gone and 24 anglers tried their best to entise the big girls into their boats. The fishing was very slow and not too many fish caught. The low tide at 8am and the lack of wind paid dividends for Dave and the Conradi brothers. They were first into the fish with Dave catching a 81cm specime,shortly followed by Deno catching a 80.5cm. At low tide my deckie and I,Richard 7785 went out the seaway to see if we could find any other anglers catching fish. We came across Kelvin, Michael, Joshua and Colin trying their luck over the pipe. Jeremy had by then a few Jewies, biggest 67 cm. As the tide started to come in, we headed back to our drift and landed a 78cm flattie. Not too long after the fish seemed to shut down and that was our action for the day. We then headed to set up the BBQ. Michael kindly cooked the snags while Kelvin and I organised prizes and the raffle.

After a snag and a cold drink, we began the prize giving.


1st Dave = fishy business 81cm

2nd Deno conradi 80.5cm

3rd Stuart Bi-polar 54cm

4th Bill keen as 52cm

Bycatch winner Jeremy serghut jewie 67.5cm.

Raffle winner = Shortie

Junior winners

Sam and Jack.

Big thanks

Kelvin and Michael

Everyone who attended the social and thanks for making the effort to drive down from Brisbane. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it although the fish were difficult to catch.

The prizes were kindly donated and big thank you to:

Rob - Zinman

Dan @ Threadybusters = Smoking drags


Manni = Lure of Fishing

Wayne Youngy


Hopefully we can keep these socials for as long as possible, its good to meet new people and catch up with others. See you all at the next one.









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Thanks guys for putting on a great day.

We had a great time back at weigh in and i have the outlaws coming over tomorrow for a flathead dinner.

It was great to meet some more AFO'ers.

We ended up with nearly 20 flathead all up and lost a few too...all fish were caught on Reaction strikes and Fish Arrows. they both seemed to work equally well.

Thanks to Mark (Fantastic Plastic) for joining me for the day and it was good to have a few laughs.

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Cheers for a great day in 'your backyard' Bri - was a pleasure fishing somewhere I don't normally go and seeing first hand how it is done (although I think I could have copied the required techniques more masterfully .......). Unfortunately I can't get to the next Wavebreak weekend in two weeks time but can't wait to get down there to try that pipeline again for a jew and also try to crack a bigger flattie (just the single 47cm for me today).

Yeah these socials are a brilliant way to meet more AFOers, strengthen the community, pick up fishing tips and just generally have a good time. May they live on!!

Thanks everyone for a great turnout - already looking forward to next years edition. Oh and I'm glad my brother Michael came in useful for something (cooking snags) as he only just got off his donut by 'landing' a 5 inch grinner right at the death knell (there may have been a bit of ribbing along the lines of he's forgotten what to do after 3 and a half years living in England!!!).

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Great social guys and good to meet a couple more afo'ers :) well done to all the winners (even though the random draw was rigged :P)

Hey you've just reminded me Ant that I didn't get my $20 bribe from Shortie (PM sent with bank account details Shortie - and BTW that was $20 bribe per prize the family walked away with so I've done quite well - as have the Shorties !!!). On a serious note, hope the kids enjoy their prizes.

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Thanks Bri for the awesome day. Well organised and great turn out! If it wasn't for you i wouldn't have caught that monster. You have taught me a heap and you really are a great example of what this online community is about.

Great to meet some new people today! Hope to see you guys and more at the next one! Thanks Matt Conradi for the boat ride. Always a pleasure :)

Below are the images of the beauties we landed (probably within 30-40mins of launching from the meeting site). Unfortunately we didn't have much luck throughout the rest of the day.

The Winning Catch


Second place


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Thank's to the boys for organising this event and bbq, and thanks to the members that were able to come along. It was a bit of a slow day, but Rodney (often debaited,) and I still managed to pull a few fish.

The fish arrow flash shads and custom jig heads did the damage for me today.

Also thanks to all the sponsors for the prizes.


My 4th place fishy, Turn's out my fish was 53 not 52 lol.

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What a great weekend and what an awesome social event

Thanks are due to

Bri the Pom (organizing the social)

Kelvin (helping organizing)

Jeff f



For sharing their campsite on wavebreak with us free loaders

The family and I had a blast. Yes we went to a fishing social and didn't put a rod in the water the entire weekend

Thanks to spotters for donating many great raffle prizes

Thanks to othjer sponsors

Thanks to Bri for letting my boy Sam draw the raffles prize

I will enjoy wearing my new sunnies

This weekend really highlighted what I enjoy about afo

Friendly conversation great laughs people willing to help others

Well done guys and thanks the family and I had a blast

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The Winning Catch[attachment=55793]IMG_1201.JPG[/attachment]
Where's the hand signal for FOTM? :ohmy:

Agreed missed an easy prize there (not to mention would have been an MBC winner as well :P )!

Looks like tonnes of fun guys well done!

Bri that brag mat is still on offer as an IOU. As the draw is done and dusted I am happy to chuck it in for the next social. The company that makes them has pushed all orders back to mid october which prevented it form being there :( Same thing happened to Lance from Reel Tackle.


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And thanks to the skipper of the million $ water bed that anchored over the top of both jeremies and my boat anchore setups.

I thought for a while there that i would be owing Ted a new Sarca and rope

I will second that with a big thanks for this guy trying to give me a hernia. I was hauling alright on the anchor rope till I looked over the edge to see I was not only pulling on Teds sarca and 3 tonne of chain, plus old mates dredge anchor and his 38 foot Searay cruiser!!

But seriously thanks to Brian, Kelvin and anyone else who had a hand in organising the event. Thanks to the sponsors for supporting the event as they are the backbone to any competition.

Conversely, it would be 'so not cool' to see any organiser to be out of pocket for an event such as this when they go and cater for the hands that were raised. Some people fished and paid, some people didnt fish but paid (and didnt that pay off well!) There were some who no doubt gave enough notice not to be counted in the catering, but if you put your name down and just didnt bother turning up...... have a think about it!

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okay i will try this again since first time it didnt work, anywyas

Big thanks to bri and the team for organising this social, I enjoyed myself alot even though lance and i didnt have much luck. Thanks to Lance for having me as a deckie and putting up with me for the 2 days. Thanks to Jeff,jnewy and Rach for giving us some petrol so we didnt take 2 days to get back to the ramp =P lol. Great to meet some new people and have a chat and get to know the others i have met before.

Thanks for a great weekend guys and gals!

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Thats a big flatty Dave well done you've learnt from the best

Thanks Mark, I give them alot of thought. Took Dave to that spot last year and we had a few, his memory took him straight there and they were straight into the fish.

I'll post up the members names for the points system when I get chance Mate.

See you in a couple of weeks.

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I'll reply here Bri as it was me who could not make it as i was rostered on to night shift as was going to organise a casual at work and book the night off to make this one but they had all been used up and could not be relieved at work, i tried getting a casual to fill in for me right up to starting work the night before and never finished till 10am that day. I also messaged Bri early in the morning so as to not wait for me then rang him after work to see it was all going fine. I have never missed a social up to this one and was a bit disapointed to have missed this one so i thought i should respond so as not to have this accusation hanging over my head or any others. I know Bri was sweet with it going by our coversation on the phone and I offer up my apoligy if anyone was put out i hope this puts it to bed and the if you want to judge me thats fine to.


ps; i have run one of these social already and have offered to run another one in febuary next year i hope thats enough for this community i feel a bit hard done by a few of the comments here that was meant for me

Yes Greg, I agree.

Maybe Bri could put up his details or PM them to those that couldn't make it.


Kelvin and I were not out of pocket, Kelvin got the snags according to the list he thought and most of them ended up in the bin.

The only real loser is afo or the competitors, but by 25 bucks.

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Hey Mark, it was not really an issue at all, sh#@ happem

ns we all know that,you have to expect a percentage not to attend, i did get a few calls and msgs yours included from long standing menbers/friends and that was appreciated.

I suppose its the menbers who knew they were not going way in advance.

It\'s not having a go at anyone but a learning curve for these socials to work in the future.

But now its in the open as Booty said, just think about it.

Cheers all.

Just re read your post Mark, I don;t think any comments were pointed at anyone in particular certainly not by me and certainly not to you. I think we had nearly 20 laminated numbers with names un used and they would of had 2 sausages each and a cold drink.


Lets not make this a big issue, because it is\'nt, If there are issues that are not connected to Sunday then please all, sort them out somewhere else.

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Sorry to wreck this thread but i was just going of the comment to put up his details which in my meaning is singular and i know i didnt make it and wanted to explain why as there has been accusations not by you Bri and it was left open ended for anyone to feel they have been targeted here. I dont like the way it was done and feel that if you want to come out and say something about people just do it name them or dont say anything as now i think i have been accused how many others now feel the same without knowing who they are talking about poor form in my opinion

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I think you maybe have misinterpretted Ellicats post.

I understood it as :

Bri to put up Bri's details for the benefit of those that said they would be there are wernt so they could still contribute their $10 even though they didnt attend.

I dont believe it was to single anyone out in any manner.

Thought it was brians way of saying he didnt attend but wanted details so he could still pay his $10.

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Whoa..... ease up there Tugger!

I do not know who or who didnt contact Bri to express their apologies for inability to attend.

I do know that there were a stack of laminated individually named competitors cards which were not collected.

Nowhere was anything mentioned about you in particular nor anyother person. But to see kilo slabs of sausgaes still remaining in the esky was disappointing. They are not free, money came from somewhere to purchase them, but they did not generate anything in return so there is an inbalance there.

Mate if you can steer me in the direction I nominated you or anyone else, then let me know and I will remove it?

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maybe some wires are getting crossed here.

i know all the guys in the conversation and it seam a bit out of place.

i have said i was going to the first few socials didn't make it ,worked instead.a few others i have made it but was not there early in the morning for log in or at the arvo social side as i was still fishing.

seams there was never any problems ,i reckon a pm would sort it out if there was.

i reckon most of the guys would be happy to pay the 10 $ even if there didn't make it,i would .this social my post was (going to try and make it down for the day ).

hope that was clear enough as i may turn up but do not count me in on food etc.

anyway i was reading the thread for the bass social and i like the way they have done it ,no miss understanding etc there .

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Time to let this one rest now everyone - the general message/lesson is out there. At the end of the day it's about $25 that didn't go into the prize pool/AFO fund. My advice for others catering for these events is to either do it Tomca's way and make payment due beforehand, or factor in a certain percentage of non-attendees into the catering calculations (was my first time helping coordinate one of these so wanted to ensure no-one went hungry - will know for next time).

On the topic of the Bass social, does anyone know who is running the Jewfish Social? It is scheduled for the same day as the Bass one, so wondering if the date for the Jewfish one will be shifted (have two weddings and therefore bucks parties in Oct/Nov so trying to work out if I'll be able to make the jew one).

Let's remember the Flattie Social for the fantastic social gathering it was, not the leftover sausages.

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