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Sharks in decline worldwide

Drop Bear

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6 hours ago, Drop Bear said:

I only base this on anecdotal evidence but I think they are doing pretty well, in most cases, in Australia. Happy to be proven wrong. 

It seems that they are massively in decline worldwide. 



That may be the case but I still believe the top predatory sharks are increasing due to whaling cessation. More whales, more dead whales, more food for large sharks, more large sharks, less people. Lol.

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Na I don’t think sharks are declining maybe a few speices but most of them are increasing in numbers such as rays and bull sharks are pretty much common as flathead in my river there everywhere and at the ocean the river leads into there are heaps of makos and white pointers around to although I do know white pointers have started to decline they might increase population soon due to further protection

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Hey Robbie

Yes, I agree. It doesn’t seem very likely that sharks are declining across Australia, and really, I don’t think they ever would with the current restrictions and laws on them which makes it pretty hard to overfish them!

Maybe in some places where they put big nets out and just chop off the fins, which would explain a decline. But certainly not here! 

Cheers Hamish

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